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11 Simplest Yoga Positions for Daily Exercise

11 Simplest Yoga Positions for Daily Exercise

Do you want to try the best-practiced Yoga Positions daily? Let’s get down to it. Asana is the term which is derived from a Sanskrit word, defined as ‘seat’.

Originally, Yoga positions referred to stable and comforting seated postures which are acquired for meditation. 

Nonetheless, in today’s times, it has come to be known as a physical yoga posture or pose. Practicing yoga postures not only assists in stretching and toning the physical body but also stimulates and unfolds the body’s energy channels and psychic centers. This, in response to that, aids to purify the body, improves healing, and sharpens the mind.

As a newbie, the numerous yoga positions and their odd names may seem overwhelming, but yoga need not be complicated. Even the simpler moves, such as stretching the arms over the head in the morning, can be considered a yoga pose.

It is recommended to adopt simpler positions and then proceed toward advanced ones at an appropriate pace. There’s no hurry in learning to progress to more advanced poses gradually. There’s no need to learn all the below-mentioned yoga positions on day 1 as it’s a lifelong pursuit. 

Benefits of Best Yoga Positions

1. Easy Seat (Sukhasana)

As per yoga practitioners, this yoga position is comparatively gentler and helps in strengthening the back and at the same time, opening up the hips, knees, ankles, and thighs.

How to do it: One must sit in a cross-legged position with the shoulders aligned with the hips, hands resting on the knees or thighs, and the gaze directed upfront. It is important to keep the shoulders down and away from the ears and hold the pose for five complete breaths. 

Pro Tip: As a beginner, you can keep a prop or maybe a blanket underneath your buttocks to keep the knees at the same level or maybe slightly lower than the hips.

2. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This yoga position is beneficial for newbies as it strengthens the arms, core, and glutes, while also stretching the hamstrings and calves. The knees should be bent and the heels are lifted off the ground while practicing this position.

How to do it: Begin with a table-top position while keeping the shoulders and knees under the hips. Move the hands a bit ahead and widen the fingers, pressing firmly into the mat. Curl the toes and lift the hips upwards to the ceiling, maneuvering the body into an inverted “V” shape, pressing the shoulders away from the ears. Keep the feet wide apart aligning with the hips and knees a bit bent. Hold the position for five full breaths.

Pro Tip: Using a non-slip yoga mat improves stability despite sweaty palms. 


  • This position enhances flexibility and aids in relieving stress.
  • It calms the nervous system and tones the arms and legs. 

3. Mountain Pose (Tadasana) 

This yoga position is perfect for the beginner to enhance overall strength in various body parts, i.e., feet, thighs, calves, spine, and abdomen. 

How to do it: You must stand with your feet hip-width apart while evenly keeping weight on the soles and keeping the palms ahead, your shoulders must be relaxed. Keep up for five complete breaths.


 It enhances core balance, improves mindfulness, and readies the body for advanced poses. 

4. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Yoga practitioners may practice this position to improve flexibility in the shoulders, hips, and calves and to strengthen shoulders and hamstrings.

How to do it: While practicing this, you must stand with feet 3-4 feet apart, turn the left foot outwards at 90⁰ and the right foot is turned slightly inwards. Hands must be kept firmly over the hips, arms extended outwards and palms downwards. Afterward, bend the left knee 90⁰ while making sure that it stays above the ankle and look towards your left hand. Keep up this yoga position for 5 complete breaths.


Adding this pose to the routine can increase strength and flexibility in various body parts as well as improves mindfulness.

5. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

A standing yoga posture helps in giving a good stretch to the hips, feet, and ankles while strengthening the calves, quads, and abs. The pose manifests standing on one leg, which can enhance core balance.

11 Yoga Positions for Daily Exercise

How to do it: Begin by standing where your arms facing on the sides, and your hands are knotted on your hips. Then gradually, shift your weight on the left leg and place the right foot’s sole inside the left thigh, while positioning the hips forward. When you acquire the balance, place your hands in front of your chest in a prayer position and inhale. Arms will be extended over the shoulders and palms facing each other. Keep up this pose for 5 complete breaths. 

Pro Tip: if you are a noob, you can begin by placing your right foot on the inside of your left ankle, then gradually move upwards to the left calf, and then by playing with your balance you can lift your hands in a V-shape towards the sky and gaze up to the ceiling. 


It improves concentration, and core balance and strengthens the outer hips and feet.

6. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

This yoga position helps in building strength in the core, legs, and ankles while simultaneously stretching the shoulders and hamstrings.

How to do it: Begin by standing 3 feet apart, keeping the left foot turned to 90⁰ and the right foot to approx. 45⁰. Extend the arms to the sides while keeping weight at the hips and lower the torso to the left leg. Press the left hand to the yoga mat and extend the right hand’s fingertips towards the ceiling. Gaze upwards to the ceiling and keep up this position for 5 complete breaths and then switch the sides and, repeat.


Regardless of its convenience for people with tight muscles, it improves balance, stretches the hamstrings and inner thighs, and evokes a sense of elation and expansion in one’s body.

7. High Lunge 

This yoga position is highly recommended for beginners and experienced ones. It aids in loosening up the chest, quads, and hip flexors.

How to do it: To practice this, you must stand on the yoga mat while keeping your feet together and arms at the sides, and hands pressed firmly over the hips. Then, extend the right leg simultaneously keeping the right foot back, and lift the heel off the ground.

Bend the left knee while making sure that it’s directly over the left ankle. Lift your arms above your head facing towards the ceiling and keep up this pose for 5 complete breaths, switch sides, and repeat.


 It makes a foundation for advanced yoga positions.

 It provides flexibility to tight muscles in the hips, and quads.

8. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

This yoga position is suitable for people having prolonged sitting times. It proves to be a beginner pose for the noobs and can counteract all the negative effects caused by extended sitting. 

11 Yoga Positions for Daily Exercise

Various yoga practitioners claim that it can strengthen the core, hips quads, calves, and ankles. It assists in stretching the chest and shoulders. 

How to do it: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and press your feet flat on the floor while simultaneously lifting your hips off the mat and squeezing your glutes. Hold this pose for 5 complete breaths.

Pro Tip: Use a yoga block between your thighs or under the sacrum for a better position.


 It helps in stretching the neck, and spine.

 It opens up one’s chest and provides mindfulness.

 It invokes a sense of calmness and relaxation and helps in digestion.

9. Seated Spinal Twist (Marichyasana)

This seated yoga position provides a good stretch throughout your neck, shoulders, and spine.

How to do it: Sit upright while crossing your legs, and aligning your shoulders with the hips. Place hands on the knees and look ahead. Lower your shoulders and extend both arms upwards and then twist to your left side from your abdomen. Place your right hand on the left knee and place your left hand’s fingertips from the buttocks on the floor and keep up this position for 5 complete breaths.

Pro Tip: you can get this pose right by keeping your lower leg straight and placing your hands on the raised knee. You can sit on a folded blanket to elevate your hips by rounding your lower back forward.

10. Baby Cobra (Bhujangasana)

Adopting this yoga position into a routine can aid in opening up the chest, and stretching the shoulder, abs, and neck.

How to do it: Lie on the floor with your face down, keeping your thumbs under your shoulder and the tops of your feet on the floor. Tilt the hips downward and contract your pelvis and glutes. Press the shoulders down away from the ears. Relax, release pressure from the palms inhale, and then lift the chest from the mat by not putting too much pressure on the hands. Lift yourself as much as you can without too much pressure. Keep up this position for 5 full breaths.

 Exhale and then repeat.

11. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

This yoga position practiced by beginners provides a pleasant stretch to different body parts, i.e., neck, shoulders, spine, hips, and ankles. It aids in relieving stress, and anxiety and loosens up tight muscles.

How to do it: Move into a table-top position where your hands are placed under your shoulders and knees beneath the hips. Extend your arms and place your palms on the floor, put your buttocks over your heels, and rest your forehead on the mat. Lower your chest till it starts comfortably touching your knees and keep up for 5 full breaths.

Pro Tip: 

The pose can be modified by placing a folded blanket behind the knees. The bend and proximity to the ground aid in calming your nervous system and reduce anxiety.

In Conclusion

The keynote while practicing yoga is that you don’t have to be perfect as it’s about making a connection between your mind and body. Your expertise doesn’t matter as your safety and comfort are the priority.

If you are starting yoga, begin with gentler poses which help you in having a grip on your breathing and alignment. As you proceed towards challenging poses, move ahead with patience and curiosity and cheer yourselves for smaller achievements even at showing up on your mat.

FAQs on Yoga Positions 

What are the best yoga poses for beginners? 

A few of the best yoga poses recommended for beginners include downward-facing dog, child’s pose, mountain pose, and warrior II. 

How does a yoga pose help with weight loss? 

Some yoga poses can assist in weight loss by boosting metabolism and burning calories. Examples include sun salutations, boat pose, and chair pose. 

Are yoga poses good for back pain? 

Yoga poses that help relieve back pain include downward-facing dog, cat-cow stretch, child’s pose, and sphinx pose. 

How long should I hold a yoga pose? 

The length of time you should hold a yoga pose depends on the pose and your level of comfort. Generally, holding a pose for 5-10 breaths is a good guideline. 

What are some common mistakes to avoid when doing yoga poses?

Common mistakes to steer clear of when doing yoga poses include overextending yourself, holding your breath, and not aligning your body properly. 

How often should I practice yoga poses? 

The frequency of your yoga practice depends on your personal goals and schedule. Some people practice daily, while others may practice a few times a week but you must be consistent.

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