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How To Make Yourself Sneeze? 11 Tips To Know

How To Make Yourself Sneeze? 11 Tips To Know

“Explore these effective techniques on how to make yourself sneeze naturally. You don’t need to resort to harmful means as natural irritants and tickling may do the job!”

How to make yourself sneeze when it just won’t come out is a question asked by many. Although, sneezing is a physiological phenomenon still your brain may pull all the strings. 

You can simply trick your brain but in some cases, it still won’t work out, so you must awaken your trigeminal nerves by tickling your nostrils. There are several ways we have compiled that you can do to get your sneeze reflex, let’s delve into that! 

How To Make Yourself Sneeze By General Tips? 

There are some tips given by experts which suggest how to make yourself sneeze when it’s either not coming or you feel a clogged nose.   

  1. Fake Sneezing 

When you want to sneeze and it just won’t come out, then you can pretend fake sneezing as it may do the trick. Fake sneezing may be a great strategy when a sneeze is already on the way but is not coming out. It may not necessarily work for you, as you are created in your unique way. Just don’t hold your sneeze, may cause some serious damage to your nasal area. 

  1. Tickle Your Nose
Tickle Your Nose for sneeze | Drugscorner.com

One strategy to trigger sneezing is shoving a tissue to your nostrils which may be uncomfortable. You can simply tickle your nostrils to get yourself to sneeze. Using a prop like feature may do the purpose as well. 

  1. Sniff Strong-Smelling Substance 

This may prove to be the easiest and most involuntary trick to get yourself to sneeze. You just have to smell strong fragrances or maybe the spices stocked in your pantry such as black pepper, red pepper, etc. 

Sniffing such strong smells stimulates your trigeminal nerves located near mucous membranes. 

  1. Exposure to Bright Light 

Some people have a photic sneeze reflex which causes them to sneeze involuntarily whenever they get exposed to bright sunny areas. Although, not everyone got this reflex ass congenital and runs into genes. If your parent does not possess this particular reflex, you may have not this as well. 

But if you have, try to look into the sun not directly although, it will do the thing and you will start to sneeze. 

  1. Rub the Roof of your Mouth

Rubbing your tongue to the roof of your mouth gently may touch an area, which is particularly sensitive and will cause you to sneeze. 

As the trigeminal nerves run beside the throat, so this ribbing may trigger them and a sneeze will come out. 

  1. Tweeze Your Nostril Hair
How To Make Yourself Sneeze | Drugscorner.com

How to make yourself sneeze while tweezing? You can do it simply while trimming your nostril hair as the inside of your nose is particularly ticklish. Plucking this tiny hair may stimulate your sneeze reflex. You can tweeze eyebrow hair as well to tickle your trigeminal nerves. 

  1. Play With Feather

Feathers are specifically ticklish to your body parts, then no wonder teasing your nasal mucosa with a feather may do a trick as well.

Just bring a feather near your nostril, a sneeze will automatically come out in a while. However, you should not be exposing your germs to your nose so be assured that the feather is uncontaminated. 

  1. Massage the Nose

Massaging your nose to stimulate trigeminal nerves will automatically stimulate your sneeze reflex. You have to see which motion of your fingers tickles your particular nerves, it may be rubbing the tip of your nose or maybe pinching it. 

Massaging this particular region may clear your stored mucus and your sinus start thanking you. 

  1. Pinch the Nose & Hum

Pinching your nose and humming simultaneously may awaken your sneeze reflex, as the face starts to vibrate and trigeminal nerves are fully activated. However, you should make sure that you do not hold your breath. 

  1. Expose Nostrils To Dust

Exposing yourself to dust to get yourself to sneeze may not be suggestive as it will bring lots of germs along with it. But you can hold a cleaning duster and start scrubbing the dirty counters which may result in tidy surfaces and continuous sneezing. In some cases, it may cause serious effects if someone is allergic to dust.   

  1. Consume a Piece of Chocolate 

Your sneeze may depend upon congestion within your nose,  or how sensitive your senses are to different irritants. Although there are numerous ways to sneeze if none seems to work. Experts suggest consuming a bar of chocolate as it encourages your sneeze reflex and your sneeze will free come out. 

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Surprising Benefits of Sneezing

  • Sneezing involves all of the abdominal muscles, along with the neck, throat, and brain. 
  • Sneezing may allow your body to release endorphins. Endorphins are linked to activities that reduce stress and are released during pleasurable activities. The overall body remains healthier through the release of this stress-relieving hormone. 
  • Sneezing triggers trigeminal nerves located behind the facial region and stimulates the body.
  • Sneezing is considered a healthier phenomenon for the body’s well-being.  

How To Make Yourself Sneeze At Home? 

Although sneezing is good and provides benefits but sneezing all the time may suggest you are residing in an untidy environment. Your home appliances and adornments may get you to sneeze continuously because of their sensitivity to the nasal region. 

  • In the bathrooms, where you have placed a mat it may carry numerous bacteria or molds which sensitive to your nasal cavity and you start to sneeze.
  • Regarding home appliances, your vacuum cleaner if left unmaintained for a long time may cause the spread of germs.
  • Cold environments may trigger your respiratory system and tickle your nasal cavity, and you start to sneeze. 
  • Stuffed toys are herds of germs and bacteria, if not washed frequently may cause you and your children to sneeze uncontrollably. 
  • The basic adornment in everyone’s home is a flower vase, if you are putting flowers make sure they are neutral such as a dahlia flower, as the flower’s smell may tickle your nose. 
  • A sunny room and lounge may cause you to sneeze as exposure to bright light may trigger this phenomenon. 
  • Most people are allergic to artificial smells, keeping scented candles, and diffusers and spraying air fresheners may cause sneezing. 

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Why You Should Not Hold Back Your Sneeze? 

Uncontrollable sneezing may irritate you and you want to hold it back, but you should not as it may cause some fatal effects on your nasal region. 

  • Holding sneezing in and never letting it go may cause nasal fractures.
  • Nasal passage gets severely disrupted as it negatively influences blood vessels and nerves around the region. Blood circulation is also disturbed badly. 
  • You should always sneeze on a tissue and then immediately discard it as it will be full of germs.
  • While sneezing never cover your mouth, as it will cause direct contact with germs that your body is trying to kick out. Use tissues and handkerchiefs for this purpose. 


Sneezing may be a natural response when you get exposed to some irritants. But if the sneeze is not coming out and is stuck inside somewhere, you can opt for any of the means to activate your sneeze reflex. 

You should be careful if you are dealing with a smelly substance as if you are allergic it will become quite messy afterwards. You must tackle your trigeminal nerves, once they get stimulated, your sneeze will be coming right behind. 

FAQs on How To Make Yourself Sneeze

What makes you sneeze right away? 

Anything tickling your nostril stimulates you to sneeze. The most common things include cold, dust, and strong smells. Pepper may also do the trick. 

Can you sneeze with your eyes open? 

Yes, you can but it is a natural phenomenon that your eyes get closed when you sneeze. 

Why won’t my sneeze come out? 

It may be because of any psychological condition, or simply because your body doesn’t want you to sneeze. 

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