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Does Almond Milk Go Bad? Unmistakable Indications to See Right Through Spoilage

Does Almond Milk Go Bad? Unmistakable Indications to See Right Through Spoilage

“Explore why does almond milk go bad and what must be your go-to approach to storing it properly.”

Does almond milk go bad just like other traditional milks? Well, the answer is Yes! If you have prepared almond milk at home by blending water and nuts, it will spoil after a few hours. But, if you have bought it from the market, it will contain preservatives so it may last longer if kept unopened and sealed. 

Almond milk is a great alternative to animal-based milk if you strictly follow a vegan diet, and it tastes delicious. However, if you are wondering how long you can keep almond milk till it goes bad, you have stumbled upon the right guide to learn the factors affecting its longevity.

Does Almond Milk Go Bad If Kept in Room Temperature?

First things first, the experts suggest you should never keep the items at room temperature for more than two hours which requires refrigeration. The almond milk most definitely requires refrigeration but still, if your refrigerators are out of order and you want to keep it on the counter.

You should make sure that the milk bottles are tightly sealed, as the sealed bottles may remain for 1 week at room temperature if the temperature is not too hot and the preservatives were added during manufacturing.

But if the almond milk is made at home, then it will remain fresh just for a few hours before the spoilage becomes apparent, and you should avoid consuming it.

Does Almond Milk Go Bad If Kept in A Refrigerator?

Does Almond Milk Go Bad If Kept in A Refrigerator?

If you have homemade almond milk stored in the refrigerator, it can last up to 5-7 days in optimal condition, however, separation may occur, but that can be easily sorted by shaking up the bottle. 

However, if you have store-bought almond milk, it will be most probably ultra-heat treated, which involves high heat treatment, and all the possible microbes are effectively killed, it can easily last for 1-2 months if remains unopened. Once you have opened the bottle, you must consume it within 10 days otherwise it will spoil or at least lose all its nutritional properties. 

The best-before dates mentioned on almond milk cartons are indications of how long almond milk may remain in its finest quality. The product will remain acceptable for drinking even after best-before-date has passed, as there is still a margin.

  • Fresh almond milk has essential vitamins (i.e., B-complex vitamins, vitamin D, etc.), minerals, a small portion of fat, and proteins to make up for your nutritional requirements. 
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Factors Contributing to Almond Milk Spoilage

The factors affecting the shelf stability of almond milk are,

  1. Temperature- The main contributor to spoilage is high temperature speeds up the spoilage process.
  2. Mode of Manufacturing– If almond milk is prepared in industries, it will contain stabilizers and preservatives which ensure maximum shelf life and optimal appearance. But the almond milk prepared at home may separate after a few hours and spoil quickly.
  3. Storage Conditions– Storing almond milk in the refrigerator slows down spoilage. 

Key Indicators of Spoiled Almond Milk

Key Indicators of Spoiled Almond Milk

There are certain signs that you must consider while consuming almond milk as this may indicate the time to throw your milk bottle out.

  • The first sign may be the unusual appearance of milk. Homemade almond milk contains no stabilizer so separation may occur, which could be easily fixed by shaking it up. However, if the separation remains persistent, and the texture appears crystallized, then your almond milk has gone bad. 
  • You may sense the spoilage by smelling almond milk, Fresh almond milk has a mild nutty smell, but if it smells weird, then there is a fair chance it has gone bad.
  • The cartons of almond milk may seem bloated during spoilage.
  • If other signs are not visibly apparent, you can taste the almond milk it will taste sour if it is no longer fresh or acceptable for drinking.
  • Mold growth is the most apparent symptom of spoilage which could grow on the containers, If you notice small black flecks on your milk, then do not disguise it with almond skin, just toss it out. 

How To Effectively Store Almond Milk?

As you want to keep your almond milk fresh for as long as possible, you must follow efficient storage practices. The pro tips to avoid spoilage can be the same as the ones practiced in the marts where you have bought your milk containers, such as,

  • Always store your almond milk in refrigerators if opened. Although unopened almond milk bottles could be stored in shelf-stable containers in the pantry at room temperature, for relatively less time. 
  • You should keep your milk bottles at a consistent temperature, as temperature fluctuation speeds up the spoilage process. 

Note: Keep the milk bottle at the back of the refrigerator where the temperature is comparatively cooler and consistent.

  • You must keep the lids tightly closed to avoid permeation of oxygen as that is a great contributor to spoilage because of providing favorable conditions for microbes. 

Possible Drawbacks of Drinking Spoiled Almond Milk

  • Drinking spoiled almond milk may be an awful experience as it causes some issues in your body such as,
  • Spoiled almond milk may have mold growth, and consuming mycotoxins causes indigestion. However, a small amount of ingestion may not be quite harmful.
  • Drinking almond milk after it has gone bad causes vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and maybe all of these.

So, always closely check the signs of spoilage before drinking to keep yourself healthy


Almond milk is a delicious blend of nuts and water. It can be easily made at home and can be stored but obviously, it will not last long as it contains no preservative. Contrary to that, store-bought almond milk contains preservatives and can last long only if refrigerated.

Storage conditions must be optimum to ensure maximum nutritional advantages and optimal physical conditions. You should avoid drinking almond milk after it has been spoiled as it will cause digestive issues which sometimes require a physician’s consultation. 

FAQs on Does Almond Milk Go Bad

Is it OK to drink expired almond milk?

Best-before dates are mentioned indicating how long the product will remain in optimum condition. But you can consume after the date has passed only if almond milk bottles are sealed. If you have opened it, you must refrigerate it and drink it within a week.

What color should almond milk be?

It must be milky white after filtration. Any specks of blackness indicate mold growth.

What does almond milk taste like when it expires?

The usual sweet taste of almond milk tastes sour or maybe bitter if it is expired.

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