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Why Your Eczema on Lips May Worsen and You Don’t Even Know

Why Your Eczema on Lips May Worsen and You Don’t Even Know

” Learn to manage eczema on lips by discovering causes, symptoms & practical treatments. Understanding how to maintain hygienic lip health may alleviate the discomfort due to eczema.”

The eczema on lips is not exactly a drastic condition you may face, but negligence may make this worst. 

In this guide, we will look for all the possible causes of Eczema, how to diagnose and which medication must be included to alleviate the symptoms. 

What Do You Call Eczema On the Lips?

The eczema on the lips is also called, ‘eczematous cheilitis’ and is the inflammation around the lips area. This may also cause inflammation in any other body part. The eczema may appear as flaky or parched skin. 

It is not to be confused with chapped lips as it will not go away quickly, you will have to visit a dermatologist for diagnosis and get a proper treatment. Although, DIY remedies may also work just fine.

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6 Types of Eczema On Lips

There are 6 different types of eczema on lips that could be seen in people, and each may be caused due to different reasons and treated differently.

  1. Infective cheilitis
Types of Eczema On Lips | Drugscorner.com

This type of eczema may be bacterial, viral, and parasitic as it is mainly caused by streptococcus species which may also cause pneumonia. Candida may also cause eczema on lips, and a parasite named Leishmaniasis causes infective cheilitis and may be contagious. 

  1. Allergen-induced cheilitis

It occurs when your lips directly come in contact with allergens, which may be different for everyone such as strong fragrance oils, lip balms, lipsticks (most common cause), and certain food products. 

  1. Irritant-induced cheilitis

This type of eczema occurs when the person’s lips come in contact with any irritant, which may be a lip product or any lip oil that contains harsh chemicals in its composition. It may also be caused due to aggressive lip licking. 

  1. Stomatitis 
Stomatitis | Drugscorner.com

The main reason for this type of eczema on lips is improper mouth hygiene and missing teeth which give rise to microbial infection, and you start to feel redness and inflammation around the corners of your lips. 

  1. Atopic cheilitis

This is a congenital type of eczema on lips that may be transferred into you by your genes.

  1. Drug-induced cheilitis 

Certain types of drugs may be harsh on your skin and lips orally ingest. Retinoids cause eczema on the lips. 

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Causes of Eczema On Lips

The eczema on lips may be caused by various triggers, but they may not be necessarily the same for everyone. It could be due to irritants, poor lifestyles, unhealthy habits, nutrient deficiencies, and environmental factors. Different types of eczema may be triggered by different things and have different symptoms, such as:

Atopic Dermatitis

As eczema is a long-term infection, it results in parched, itchy skin around the lips and maybe any other body part.  

Causes: This type of eczema on lips is caused due to genes. It is transmitted from generation to generation.

Potential Outcomes

  • Hyperactive immune response, which adversely affects the dermis. 
  • Skin becomes chapped and overly dry
  • Overly prone to bacterial infection and environmental attacks

Irritant Contact

Irritant Contact | Drugscorner.com

This type of eczema on lips is similar to that of allergic cheilitis and the causes may overlap. 


  • It is mainly caused by using cosmetics, more specifically lipstick.
  • Food products, such as spicy foods may cause this type of eczema. 
  • Environmental factors such as harsh perfumes, and second-hand smoke.

Allergic Contact

This cheilitis is resulted in extremely chapped lips, and swelling around the area.


  • The makeup products, i.e., lipsticks, lip balms, and lip oils.
  • Drugs may be the reason for this type of eczema on lips.
  • Food commodities cause this eczema.
  • Some people get this allergy after using toothpaste, as it may contain allergens in its composition which be triggering.

Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis also results in redness and swelling around the lip region. 


  • Bacteria and fungi, including yeast are common causes.
  • Improper mouth hygiene may also trigger this eczema on lips.
  • If you wear braces or dentures, you are more to catch this eczema.
  • Aggressive licking of lips may be the reason.
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General Symptoms of Eczema On Lips

The eczema on the lips may influence the entire lip region. However, it does not affect the mucous membrane of the mouth, the allergic reaction usually remains on the outer lip area  It may not necessarily cause irritation or itching until it becomes chronic. So, you must be very keen if you feel slight discomfort around your lips. 

The common symptoms of eczema on lips may include:

  • Itchiness around the lips
  • Chapped or cracked lips or skin around the corners of lips
  • Soreness 
  • Scaly skin on the upper or bottom side of lips
  • Redness around the affected area

Diagnosis of Eczema On Lips

To diagnose if you have eczema, your dermatologist will ask you about the symptoms and your family history, if there are still ambiguities then he will run some tests for authentic results.

The tests may include:

Biopsy: The infection is an allergy diagnosed in this test, by taking a small portion of the skin and we examined it under the microscope. 

Allergy Test: The allergy is diagnosed by applying certain substances to the affected person and the response is determined that how the body reacts to that applied substance.

Urine Test: Many doctors determine the presence of an infection by evaluation of urine samples.

Blood Test: It is another means of determining the presence of infection in the body, through the blood if you are infected by any microbe.

Treatment of Eczema On Lips

During the diagnosis, your dermatologist will identify the cause behind your eczema, if there is any underlying cause is revealed, you will be advised to avoid it. The treatment is highly dependent on the type of eczema you have caught.

Like, if it is allergen-induced cheilitis you may be asked to avoid that particular allergen that is causing the symptoms, if it’s a congenital type then managing the condition seems the most viable option. If it is drug-induced ed, then discontinuing the use of that particular drug may be the treatment.

Your dermatologist may suggest particular medications and home remedies which you can go for to get better results, the medications and remedies may include:

  • Lip balms that have healing properties.
  • Anti-fungal medicines for the eczema causes by yeast, I.e., Candida.
  • Over-the-counter antihistamines 
  • Corticosteroids prescribed by your dermatologist. 
  • Oral steroids if you got severe eczema. 
  • A humidifier may be recommended to reduce dryness around your environment. 

How Lifestyle Adjustments Influence Eczema On Lips? 

The environmental factor has a greater impact on eczema on lips, irregular cortisol levels may also be a leading cause of it. Some adjustments which you can easily bring into your life may include: 

  • To bring humidity around you, use a humidifier in your vicinity as it prevents skin dryness.
  • Using Ultraviolet B Lamps helps in alleviating eczema, as it is considered phototherapy. 
  • Use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free products, as these may be the common allergens.
  • Beware of licking or scratching your lips, as these may worsen the condition. 

If you are being strict with prescribed medication and the lifestyle changes, you can put an end to your allergy and ailment.

How Long Eczema On Lips May Take To Heal?

The time eczema may take to heal is dependent upon numerous factors, such as the origin of the infection, the timeframe it takes for the symptoms to be apparent, and which causes to be eliminated. Taking medications and a few lifestyle adjustments may alleviate the symptoms of eczema.


The eczema on the lips is the swelling around the lips, the symptoms may be scaly, red, and sore skin. The symptoms may only be alleviated if you correct your lifestyle and take prescribed medications on time. The conditions worsen if you neglect the apparent signs. 

FAQs on Eczema On Lips

Can you put Vaseline on Eczema lips?

Yes, you can the petroleum jelly proves to be a great option for dry skin symptoms and may treat many dry skin infections.

How long does lip eczema last? 

The symptoms may remain for weeks, however, if you take proper medication they will be eliminated right after the treatment.

Is eczema permanent?

If you get the chronic one, then it may remain forever, with the right treatment it will go away but will come again unexpectedly. So, there’s no permanent cure for eczema. 

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