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Frog Pose: A Versatile Muscle-Strengthening Asana

Frog Pose: A Versatile Muscle-Strengthening Asana

“Learn how to master the frog pose as this unique asana strengthens core muscles and gives mental clarity.”

Are you frustrated with joint pain? No worries, it can just go away by performing a frog pose, an excellent yoga posture that gives a good stretch to hips, thighs, and overall body.

This posture may seem hard for beginners, so you must ease into it by doing some warm exercises before doing a frog pose. The purpose is to open your hips, groin, and lower body and provide great flexibility to the body instead of tightening the already rigid muscles. 

 Frog pose comes with promising results, but there are some precautions as well that you must consider while performing, Let’s look into that!

How To Do Frog Pose?

How To Do Frog Pose?

Before you begin frog pose, you must do some warm-up moves to get your body ready for the frog posture as it is a challenging position and requires a deep stretch, which may become uncomfortable if you are used to it. You can try lunge posture or mountain pose to ready yourself. 

To do the frog pose, initially, you must get on your hands and knees in a table pose. Now widen your knees hip-width apart and put your feet right behind your knees. Make sure that your hands are placed on the floor in a straight line and your fingers pointing ahead of you. 

Now slowly stretch your knees out and if the push seems too hard at some point, just stop there, and take a deep breath. Remember, you do not want to exert yourself beyond your capacity.

Now move your head downwards to the area between your hands, as long as your feet knees, and thighs are touching the floor your tailbone is stretched backward and your spine is stretched straight. 

Now keep up this frog posture and inhale, exhale at least 5 times. Then move back to the initial position table position. 

Pro-tip: If during the workout, you start to get ragged breaths, stop right there, and try to have deep breaths, as the purpose is to give flexibility to the muscles, not tighten them. 

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Merits of Frog Pose

The frog poses effectively target your inner thighs, core, and pelvic muscles and give great flexibility and mobility. The people who have sedentary lifestyles and spend most of their time doing desk jobs and driving, frog pose yoga can be life-altering for them. Some of the great benefits of the frog pose include:

Merits of Frog Pose
  • The frog pose helps ease tightness around the lower back and pelvic region as it flexes the muscles, loosens them up, and tones the entire legs.
  • This yoga posture involves the abdominal muscles putting pressure on them, which massages the abdominal muscles, liver, kidneys, intestines, and pancreas, which boosts metabolism. 
  • The frog pose engages knee muscles relieves tightness around the knees and ultimately reduces the risk of any rheumatic diseases (autoimmune disorders). 
  • The frog pose has promising results in reducing diabetic complications as it decreases insulin resistance, and the body utilizes excess glucose as energy. 
  • Yoga not only targets physical health but also mental health as it reduces stress, and depression which are the leading cause of many cognitive disorders. 
  • You can do frog poses to improve overall body circulation and posture. 

Frog Pose Variations

The frog pose itself is a great pose, but it could be challenging for some people due to their hindering medical condition, or they could simply not get into it, so they can try some other variations or modify the pose as per their convenience. These variations can help them to build confidence for challenging positions.

  1. Half Frog Pose

It is a good start with a full frog pose, you just need some warm-up, and you can easily do it, this posture effectively engages your glutes, feet, forearms, and quad muscles.

How To Do It: Lie down on your yoga mat get your forearms right under your shoulder and lift your chest. Move one arm backward, move your left foot towards your buttocks, and touch your left arm with that. You must stretch your foot as much as comfortably possible. Hold this position for at least 5 breaths and move back to the previous position. 

Now, switch to the other leg and repeat the procedure. 

  1. Happy Baby Pose
Happy Baby Pose

This beginner pose targets your abductors (i.e., inner thigh muscles) and glutes and is not quite challenging to perform but has wonderful benefits.

How To Do It: Lie flat on your back and pull your feet towards your torso. Once they are in reach, hold your feet from the outer side tightly and stretch your thighs as wide as comfortably possible. Take deep breaths and hold the position for 5-10 seconds. 

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  1. Frog At the Wall Pose

This posture targets the legs and glute muscles and is a great frog pose variation if the actual pose seems too scary.

How To Do It: Begin the pose by lying flat on the back, and pushing your hips attached to the wall with your feet facing towards the ceiling. Now bend your knees till your feet are flat on the wall. Now move your tailbone towards the wall and slowly detach your hips from the wall. 

Hold up this posture for 5-10 breaths and relax, then repeat. 

Safety Consideration Before Performing Frog Pose

Yoga is all about mind and body coordination. You don’t have to be perfect from the beginning, if any posture seems to be too hard on your body, you must get easy on yourself and take some rest or alter it in some way to make that comfortable. 

The essential thing you need to focus on is your breathing, never compromise on that, take deep cleansing breaths in each posture, otherwise simply avoid the position. 

Pregnant women should avoid this exercise as such exercises can put them at risk.

People who have chronic knee, and leg pain should find any alteration of the frog pose as it could trigger their pain. 

The beginners if start to feel too much stretch in their forearms or biceps, they must get easy on their body.

If you have a particular sedentary lifestyle and you feel your muscles cold, then you must begin with a warm-up exercise for this deeper stretch otherwise your muscles will get a strain. 

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Frog pose is a deep hip-opening posture that effectively targets glutes, quads, and entire leg muscles. Although the pose may seem difficult for beginners, they can adapt to it by doing some variations by easing themselves into yoga.

This yoga pose helps improve body flexibility, maintains healthy blood sugar level, and massages the kidneys, liver, and the entire digestive system by which metabolism get improved. Yoga is never meant to be hard, it’s a continuous struggle so you must ease into it slowly, there is no rush. 

FAQs on Frog Pose

 What does the frog pose good for?

This is an effective yoga pose for people who have sedentary lifestyles as it helps them with mobility, and flexibility and reduces their back pain which occurs due to sitting for many hours.

Why does frog pose so difficult?

It is comparatively a deep stretching posture because it simultaneously involves all the leg muscles, if tight muscles are targeted it will become quite challenging.

Does frog pose reduce belly fat? 

Yes, frog pose helps in reducing belly fat accumulated in the abdominals region, as it works these muscles by stretching. 

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