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How To Get Rid of Hip Dips by These 8 Mind-Blowing Exercises

How To Get Rid of Hip Dips by These 8 Mind-Blowing Exercises

“Hit on effective tricks to get rid of hip dips and attain a curvier, hourglass silhouette. Our guide includes exercise, lifestyle changes, and diet tips to mark and tone your saddled muscles.”

Social media has hyped a perfect, pristine body figure so the question arises of how to get rid of hip dips to improve your physique. Although, having hip dips does not make you attractive, and is not unappealing in any regard. Many will deny but your genes play a greater role in determining your statute than you can imagine. 

So, here are all the guidelines to get rid of hip dips fast with all the exercise, and all the tricks.  

What are Hip Dips? How Do exercises help to Get Rid of Hip Dips? 

How Do exercises help to Get Rid of Hip Dips? | Drugscorner.com

Hips dips are indentations on both sides of the body below the hip bones. The body statute determines whether a person will have hip dips or not, as it is the direct relation between the size of hip bones and the angle on the femur.

Wider pelvic bones may have prominent hip dips, while narrower pelvic bones have less of hip dips. Having these hips dips does not make you less attractive as it is normal to have them. 

Also Read: Pelvic Floor Exercises For Men

How To Get Rid of Hip Dips by These Exercises?

  1. Squats

Squats help to tone legs and put less angle on the thigh bone, which helps greatly to reduce hip dips. 

How To Do It: You must stand with your feet apart, straighten your body and squat down by keeping your knees aligned to your toes. Lowe down as much as possible, you can also work your glutes if you squeeze your buttocks while doing the squatting. Now stand up straight and repeat.

  1. Glute Bridges

Glute muscle exercises help to tone hips, which makes your hips narrower and stronger by reducing hip dips. 

How To Do It: Lie down on your back while keeping it straight. Stretch your shoulders wide apart, bend your knees, and lift your pelvis off the floor, hold it for 2 counts and slowly lower down. Repeat this set twice or thrice with 10-15 reps. In the beginning, do it with your body weight but when your muscles are toned enough, try to lift dumbbells at the front of your hips. 

  1. Planks
Planks | Drugscorner.com

Doing planks may be great to get to hip dips as it works wonders in toning your core muscles by developing core strength. 

How To Do It: Lie on your stomach by keeping your hands under the shoulder and hold the ground with your toes and lift yourself off the floor. Keep your body diagonal by tightening your abs and glutes and hold it for half a minute in the beginning, then hold it for a minute, and repeat. Try to do this exercise every alternate day.

  1. Donkey Kicks

This exercise works greatly in tightening or toning your buttocks and pelvis, it helps to tighten the glute muscles.

How To Do It: Get on your fours and try to keep your arms straight and perpendicular to the floor. Hold your knees parallel to the ground and slowly lift one leg off the ground by making sure, your thigh aligns with your upper body and is parallel to the floor. Repeat it for each leg for about 15 reps and do 2-3 sets daily. 

  1. Clamshells

The exercise is not just effective to get rid of hip dips but also alleviates back pain, tones, pelvis, thighs, and glutes.

How To Do It: Lie on one side, hold your knees together, and aligned by using a rubber band on your knees. Try to lift your top knee from the bottom one by aligning your feet together. Hold your top knee upwards for a bit longer and slowly back down, repeat 10-15 reps.  

  1. Hip Thrusts

Hip thrusts not only tone the hip muscles to their maximum capacity but also improves your agility and strength and help in gaining glute muscles. 

How To Do It: Find yourself a rectangular box or chair on which you can lean your upper back on. When your back firmly gets attached to the box behind, try to lift off your hips from the ground by keeping your chin close to your chest. At the top, try to hold the position for a bit longer by squeezing your cheeks and then lower down. Do not touch the floor until you have completed this exercise. 

  1. Curtsy lunge

A Curtsy lunge may be a great warm-up as it thoroughly stretches the body. It’s great for a lower back workout routine and strengthens the glutes. 

How To Do It: Stand straight, move your feet apart aligned with your pelvic bones, and lift a pair of dumbbells. Now, move your foot down the right leg and bring it behind your unmoving foot. Now lower the same knee towards the ground in a reverse lunge pose and bring your feet back up to the position and repeat the same on the other side. Do 10-15 reps. 

  1. Side hip openers

Side hip openers or fire hydrants help in stretching pelvic muscles, buttocks, hamstrings, and glutes, and a great posture to loosen up tightened muscles. 

How To Do It: Get on your hands and knees by keeping your hands parallel to your shoulders and knees under your hips. Now exhale and lift one leg and make a 900 angle. Now inhale and lower your knee down but avoid touching the ground. Repeat the procedure for 15 minutes. On the last lift, pulse the leg 10 times before it comes down and touches the floor. Repeat on another leg. 

Read: Sunny Health and Fitness

How To Get Rid of Hip Dips Through Sculptra?

People who run off from workouts may look for methods that are way less exhausting and provide them with options that are not entirely safe, such as butt lifts and surgeries. People having pronounced hip dips sometimes go for Sculptra which gives the body higher collagen which tightens the muscles around the hip which in the natural case wrinkles down due to age. 

If surgeries seem too scary, then injection may seem the most viable option, which is pain-free and durable. 

You must take a consultation with your dermatologist as US FDA has not approved Sculptra for buttocks yet. 

How To Get Rid of Hip Dips Without a Workout? 

Hip dips could only be reduced if your overall body fat is burned down. But you can hide it if you are conscious by wearing loose-fitting, and high waited for clothes as they cover that area.

You can opt for peplum-style pants and dresses as it gives you a curvaceous look by making your hip dips less noticeable. Flared dresses are the only way to disguise this body part. 

How To Get Rid of Hip Dips with Diet? 

Exercise is certainly great to tone your muscles and reduce body fat and remove hip dips but is ineffective to some extent if you are taking a poor diet. If you desire an appealing hourglass body figure, without all the hip dips and saddlebags you must take a healthy diet

If you are munching on junk, then it will not work as it is necessary to predispose stored adipose tissues and reduce cortisol levels. 


You must cherish your body in whatever shape its. Hips dips and love handles don’t make you unattractive, however, it makes you curvier. 

But if you want to look perfect, then doing the right kind of exercise, wearing appropriate clothing, a healthy portion-controlled diet may be your best shot to get a perfect figure. It may be difficult if you are genetically disposing of body fat, but the possibilities know no bounds, you can still tone it up. 

FAQS on How to Get Rid of Hip Dips

 How do you fix hip dips without exercise?

As exercise may not always come up with your desired results, you can opt for surgery to get better results. 

Can hip dips go away naturally?

Hips dips are natural to have and are mostly due to body stature and genetics. You can tone it up but there is a higher chance that it won’t be eliminated.

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