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How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health? Severe Impacts on Minds!

How does social media affect mental health has become a prime concern of every individual as a lot of people are seen engaged on social media platforms almost all the time.

Social media undoubtedly is advantageous as it engages people all over the globe, but may have some disadvantages as people surf the majority of their time doing nothing over here but being insecure by seeing all the glam over the screens.

Health research has suggested that social media affect mental health through its strong connection with depression, anxiety, insecurity, and stress.

Let’s dive into the article to deduce how does social media affect mental health by taking into account all the underlying factors and circumstances.

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?

Human beings are social animals and thrive on social connections. Humans are always in need of strong partnerships to have a sense of connection with others and it ultimately influences a person’s mood and happiness.

Social connections boost confidence levels, ease stress, and depression and curb loneliness.  The fear of being left out (FOMO) may be nerve-wracking for people which can prove to be quite disadvantageous for the emotional well-being of individuals.

In the modern era, people rely heavily on social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and Twitter to be aware of each other personal life and to get a gist of what fun things they are doing.

However, social media usage is convenient but could never be a substitution for face-to-face conversation. The intimate connection which builds up without social media release happiness hormones, i.e., endorphins and dopamine.

Surfing excessively on social media creates frustration, anxiety, and depression which could be disastrous for your daily living.

How Does Social Media Adversely Affect Your Mental Health?

There could be plenty of downsides that you can feel by excessively using social media, and it diminishes your optimum health drastically.

Let’s elaborate few prominent ones.

Envy of others

Social media makes you extremely insecure about yourself and seeing others’ glamorous lifestyle could make you feel less about yourself. However, not everything on the screen is as blingy and glittery as it seems, not everyone has fancy homes and a smiling happy family.

Social media has made people distant from originality. Heavily filtered and photoshopped images of public figures over Instagram and Snapchat have made people extremely vulnerable, naming this as ‘Snapchat dysmorphia’. This never being enough for yourself has been messing negatively with people’s minds.

Irregular Sleep Patterns

The research suggests that using social media at nighttime is particularly unhealthy as people lose track of time and get insufficient sleep.

Regardless of any drastic outcome, it causes the fear of missing out and you avoid logging out of your social media accounts so that you don’t miss anything.

Using social media at night activates your brain and you get busy in scrolling when you are supposed to be retiring for the night.

Cause Depression & Anxiety

Social media use makes a straight path to mental illnesses and increases the risk of suffering from depression and anxiety.

In 2016, a study found a close connection between excessive social media use and depression, in the next year a survey was conducted to find the effect of more than one social media use which has given some concerning results as using more than 5 social media platforms has arisen higher risk of mental disorders.

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health? Severe Impacts on Minds!

However, the authors have pointed out one factor as well that people may also adopt using social media to curb their anxiety and depression.

In the preceding year, a college survey was conducted among students where the usage time was limited and the people who use it for 10 minutes each day for approximately 21 days have less risk of experiencing depression that the people who use it for their usual time.

Not Getting Enough Time

Using social media too much may put a break on doing meaningful things which may prove to be effective for your mental health.

It lessens your time for in-person social interaction, and most importantly people do not get sufficient time for their own selves.

Maneuvering Social Media Use to Improve Mental Health

Social media use poses many threats to mental but if is maneuvered in the right manner it could become less problematic.

Being Mindful of Screen-Time

Cutting back on social all at once may seem quite a drastic step and may not necessarily improve your mental health but being more vigilant about your usage can improve your mood and makes you more focused.

The study which was conducted in University of Pennsylvania a few years back concluded that using social media for 30 minutes is effective in getting rid of mental illnesses, i.e., depression, anxiety and stress.

Although, reduced time may not be an idealistic goal but still it could prove to be beneficial. The smartphone usage must be decreased, as you can do it by putting a tracking app which keeps track of usage by which you can make up your mind.

Keep smartphones out of reach during night, put notifications on silent mode to avoid continuous buzzing.

Divert Your Mind

People have no clear motive about why they are using and use it out of boredom, it could be improved by having a clear incentive in your mind to log in to your social media. It provides you with some useful information, if you use it out of seeking for some specific purpose then it doesn’t pose some negative aspects.

The reason could be engaging your long-distance friends and family, sharing some meaningful things may not be a bad scenario. But if you just want to get rid of the boredom and the feeling of FOMO then it’s absolutely pointless.  

Keeping a clear track of your doings on social media may help you navigate your purpose that whether you using it for a good cause or as an alternative to run off from the real life. You must be aware that you are not just passively scrolling others profiles to get a gossip, be an active user and engage with people.

A person must never forget that all the glam shown on screen is not true, the ugliness is discreetly hidden to make people addictive. Always remember  everyone is dealing with their own issues out there, life is not always the way it seems.

Engage with Real Friends Rather than Online Buddies

Engaging with people and actively interacting with individuals has proven to be good for your health and mood. Although, you can be facilitated by social media to make plans but it could never be replacement for in-person intimate get-together.

You can make a to-do list to interact with your friends on regular basis where the phones must be kept away so that you can have heart-to-heart conversations with your buddies.

However  you may be shy or introvert and is not quite comfortable with making too many friendships so you can plan to do things together like going for a walk or doing workout at the same gym or going to grocery shopping together or acquiring the same hobby which gives your more chances to meet each other.

If you are socially uncomfortable don’t be, as it will lower your self-esteem push yourself to mingle as its important for you to build social connection. Even saying hello to strangers on public places could impart a positive impact on your personality and mental health.

Be Appreciative

The life becomes quite serene when you acquire sense of adequacy and you start appreciating things happening around you. You  be one more generous towards showing thanks to people who show a small good gesture towards you.

By doing so you lose sense of dissatisfaction and discontentment which occurs due to excessive social media usage.

Keeping a journal where you write off all your positive memories may be helpful when you face a tragedy and feel low, getting he’ll from this private reflection is best way to get non scrutinized contentment.

Doing meditation and yoga can be helpful to curb anxiety and frustration caused by screen time. Start Volunteer to help people in running their errands and by taking care of their pets may built a strong connection between you and your community.

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The social media impact is greatly influenced by the way you using it. These platforms are designed specifically to engage you so it would be a concerning matters if you completely cut off.

However, the professionals may suggest you how to put limits and to be mindful of your use.

Social may pose adverse risks to you mental health but it’s non negotiable how it’s the most convenient way to connect with your friends and family.

Social media could make some people isolated, insecure or envious while some may feel more optimistic and confident. So it all comes down to its effect on YOU.

FAQs on How Social Media Affect Mental Health?

How does social media affect our mental health?

Social media is closely related to increased risk if depression, anxiety and stress. People may start to feel more discontent about themselves.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media on mental health?

It may provide a friendlier environment to people to get more connected. It is quite convenient for the people to be aware about each others well being. But it may convenient cause self-harm for people who become insecure.

How social media affect teens mental health?

It is more harmful for teens mental health as they will start comparing themselves to whom they will see or follow, and become anxious and lose their self-esteem.

How social media affect physical appearance?

Women are highly affected by social media as they will constantly compare themselves  to the flawless models they see and will never be satisfied by their own bodies and shape.

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