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How Long Do Mushrooms Last Before Spoilage?

How Long Do Mushrooms Last Before Spoilage?

“Confused about when to toss your mushrooms out? Discover these secrets of how long do mushrooms last with our detailed tips. Learn these storage practices to increase mushroom longevity!”

How long do mushrooms last in your refrigerators and freezer is dependent upon the type of mushroom, refrigerator, and the prepping beforehand. Mushrooms complement greatly to your meals and with the right kind of ingredients can be a great appetizer.

According to harvesters and culinary experts, mushrooms retain the best of their characteristics for two weeks, but the right kind of storage technique may enhance shelf life. 

Just look out for the obvious sign of mushroom spoilage, safe storage methods, and the expiration dates before they get spoiled. 

How Long Do Mushrooms Last at Ambient Temperature?

Fresh Mushrooms: Mushrooms that are freshly plucked can survive half or maybe one whole day before they become spoiled. Refrigeration is a suitable option but keeping them at room temperature may not be a good decision.

How Long Do Mushrooms Last at Ambient Temperature? | Drugscorner.com

You must look for the tell-tale signs which indicate its spoilage. The room temperature and the humidity in environment are the favorable conditions for the bacteria to proliferate and cause spoilage in mushrooms. 

Dried Mushroom: Moisture is one of the leading contributors to spoilage, if the mushrooms are dried before storage and are stored in airtight containers, then they can last for a far longer period. 

Canned Mushrooms

If the mushrooms undergo canning and are tightly sealed in containers at room temperature, they can last easily for 3-5 years, but once these canned mushrooms are opened, they can become spoiled rather quickly. 

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How Long Do Mushrooms Last Before They Expire

Fresh Whole Mushrooms7-10 days
Fresh cut mushrooms5-7 days
Cooked Mushrooms7-10 days
Dried Mushroom (Room Temp.)3-5 years

How Long Do Mushrooms Last If Refrigerated? 

Storing mushrooms in the refrigerator so they can last longer is a great approach. However, the methods of storage play a significant role in the shelf life. 

Tips to Store in Refrigerator 

  • Store the mushrooms in their original packaging materials, as these materials are tightly sealed and do not let air in, which increases the shelf life to a greater extent. 
  • There is another suggestion that if mushrooms are stored in paper bags if you haven’t procured these from the supermarket but your garden, then using a paper bag can be a good option, just roll the paper a bit so that air can pass through and nicely tucked it into your fridge.
  • While keeping mushrooms in the fridge, make sure that you keep them away from strong-smelling commodities as they may impart ill odors to mushrooms.
  • You should make sure that your mushrooms do not absorb too much moisture in the crisper section of your refrigerator, as it will enhance the spoilage process.

How Long Do Mushrooms Last If Frozen?

How Long Do Mushrooms Last If Frozen? | Drugscorner.com

Freezing mushrooms is great to increase shelf life for up to a year which otherwise gets spoiled within days or maybe weeks. However, the frigid temperature reduces the textural characteristics of mushrooms but otherwise, mushrooms remain edible. 

Before putting mushrooms in the freezer, you must wash them thoroughly to remove dirt, cut them into smaller sizes, and steam them by adding lemon juice into a few drops of water in the steamer. 

Steaming prevent color changes, flavor, and textural characteristic, let mushrooms cool down after steaming. Lastly, pack mushrooms decently in a hermetically sealed container.

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Indications That Mushrooms Have Spoiled

There are laws to determine that your mushrooms have been spoiled you just have to use your common sense, yes! Your sense of vision and look up for the blemishes, foul smell, and wrinkles on the skin of mushrooms.  

Some common indications to throw your mushrooms out of your pantry are:

  1. Aroma: Mushrooms are not smelly usually, as you have to bring fungi close to your nose smell, as it has a very subtle aroma, but in case you get a very strong smell not necessarily pungent, you should toss them out. 
  2. Sliminess: If mushrooms become slimy to the touch when you take them out of their packaging or refrigerator, they have spoiled for sure.
  3. Blemishes/ Dark spotting: If the blemishes start to appear on your edible fungi, then it no longer has remained edible and you must get rid of them.
  4. Wrinkled mushrooms: Wrinkled or overly dried mushrooms are no longer appropriate for consumption as they likely have gone spoiled.

In case, you have consumed this spoiled mushroom, you will likely experience digestive problems such as abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea, so consult any healthcare professional for your immediate treatment. 


Mushrooms are such a versatile addition to meals and are power packed with essential nutrients. But how long mushrooms last is important to consider so that you can avoid wasting nutritious and healthy fungi.

Refrigeration and freezing can surely increase the shelf life. Canning and proper packaging may also contribute to enhancing the life span of mushrooms. According to culinary experts, fresh whole mushrooms may last 7-10 days before spoilage starts to take place. 

FAQs On How Long Do Mushrooms Last

Can mushrooms last two weeks in the fridge?

Yes, they can, but it is strongly recommended that you use these whole, fresh, and store-bought mushrooms within 2 weeks, as they may start to lose nutritional and physical characteristics after that. 

Is it Ok to eat Old Mushrooms?

Yes, but if their obvious indications that your mushrooms have gone bad, then it is advisable that you throw them out, as they are no longer useful.

Can we eat expired mushrooms?

You must not eat expired mushrooms as they can mess up your digestive system badly and you would have to consult a healthcare professional after that. 

Should you wash mushrooms?

It depends upon the cultivation practices, most mushrooms do not require washing as they are cultivated in clean places, and are farmed indoors. The specks of dirt on them should be brushed gently instead of washed. 

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