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How Long Does It Take to Get Abs & Which Tips to Follow?

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs & Which Tips to Follow?

“Find this clear headway to the toned abs! Discover all the factors having a clear impact on the timeframe, effective exercises, and diet tips to achieve visible abs.”

Having Six-packs have let people wonder how long does it take to get abs with the right kind of exercise and diet regime. As the main factors contributing towards timeframe is genetics and body fat deposition. 

In this article, we will thoroughly discuss all the tips to get leaner, shredded abs both for men and women. 

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs According to Body Fat? 

The time it takes to get abs depends on the fat percentage of a person whether it’s a male or female, as both genders have different body fat levels, and both take different timeframes to get their desired body shape.

Men tend to have lower body fat than females, therefore they get their abs quickly with the right kind of exercise and diet. 

In men, fat is stored in just adipose tissue, so by acquiring a leaner body, their abs will start to be visible. The body fat levels calculated for men and women are: 

Body TypeMalesFemales
Very Lean<10%<18

For men, abs will be visible if the body fat is 17%, while for women, abs will be defined with 24% body fat. Only 2-4 abs will be prominent with this body fat percentage. 

Also Read: Pelvic Floor Exercises For Men

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs for Men?

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs | Drugscorner.com

As discussing about How Long Does It Take to Get Abs? The time required to get abs is determined by the amount of fat stored within the body. You must keep close track of your fat reduction as your goal is to lose body fat, not the muscles.

Fitness experts suggest that losing 0.5-1% of body weight each week does not affect your muscle retention. The timeframe is related to body fat percentage. Different time duration required to lose body fat along with recommendations suggested as:

  1. If Body Fat >25%, then…

As this much fat deposition may require 1-2 to get visible abs, which is relatively a longer time and requires a lot of patience and consistency. 

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • You must make a positive mindset and take practical actions towards your failures which is normal in the beginning and requires a lot of adjustments. 
  • Don’t Rush, lets things fall into place, and be consistent with your goals.
  • Take baby steps, as such changes take time and a lot of patience.
  • Focus on your diet, you may not realize but nutrition plays an integral role in getting your desired body shape.
  • Start to incorporate the concept of a calorie-deficit diet into your routine and cut back on unhealthy food. Avoid having carbonated beverages and alcohol. 

If Body Fat Falls Within 18-25%, Then…

Recapitulating about How Long Does It Take to Get Abs? With the right amount of patience, you can get your dream abs within a year or maybe a half of this time.

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • Make changes in your lifestyle, as you must abandon bad habits and develop good ones if you are serious about having a leaner strengthened body. 
  • Set a goal for 6 months and adhere to it with your willpower. Give yourself enough time as the journey is not easy, you will face numerous hurdles. 
  • Set an appropriate diet regime, and training sessions which you love to do, and you can easily fall into pace. 

If Body Fat Falls Within 14-18%, Then…

With this fat composition, you can get visible abs within 3-6 months if you keep clear track of your workouts, have a stringent mindset, and cut back on junk food.

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • Control your diet, start eating calorie deficit food, and build a strict routine that left no loopholes.
  • Optimize your protein intake, your diet must be nutritionally dense.
  • Closely monitor your food intake, as every morsel and sip counts if you want to have shredded abs.
  • Never compromise on your fitness routine, do your core exercise daily. Amp up your training day by day. 

If Body Fat <14%, Then

Falling into the category may let you attain visible abs within 1-3 months by just losing a few pounds by eating a healthy diet and amping up training sessions.  1 to 3 months to see your abs.

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • Discipline is key, keep close track of your diet regime as whatever you eat and drink greatly influence your goals.
  • Measure your meals as having a calorie deficit diet may lead to getting a leaner body.
  • Avoid alcohol and junk food. Avoid having cheat days every alternate week.
  • Show perseverance in your training sessions and focus on strengthening your core muscles and glutes.
  • Sleep on time and balance your circadian rhythm and regulate your cortisol level. 

Read: Get Rid of Hip Dips

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs for Women?

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs for Women? | Drugscorner.com

The secret to getting abs depends upon overall body composition and how much fat is deposited within the body and at which part. Women take longer to shred body fat, as in women fat percentage is comparatively greater than men.

The Different situation along with body fat composition has been described and resultantly tips are suggested: 

If Body Fat >30%, Then…

With this body fat percentage, get ready for a long run where you will have to be strong enough to work for many years (i.e., 1-2 years) to get visible abs, as you fall into the obese category. 

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • Build a strong mindset to drag yourself through an exhausting workout routine for multiple years, as it is normal to be discouraged and impatient with no apparent change.
  • Self-love is important as it is a long journey you must not be disappointed with yourself in the long run.
  • Maintain a low-calorie diet as your diet play a significant role in your journey.
  • Do core strengthening exercises as they will automatically start to shred body fat.
  • Take baby steps towards your routine, as the journey is full of hurdles.
  • Keep close track of your eating behavior as it may hold you back or push you towards your desired body stature.

If Body Fat Falls Within 25-30%, Then…

If you show perseverance and work hard, you can shred this body fat within a year (i.e., 6 months to 1 year) and get apparent abs, but still never be discouraged during your journey. 

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • Change your lifestyle and create one which helps you to build abs by getting rid of bad habits and developing healthier ones.
  • Do regular workouts, you must choose those which you can consistently do and enjoy doing them.
  • As the timeframe may be of 6 months, try to make a to-do list that gives you a margin for cheat days.
  • Keep close track of your food and beverages preference as it also determines the success of your journey.
  • Plan daily meals and closely monitor your calorie intake which your body requires to get 6-packs.

If Body Fat Falls Within 20-25%, Then…

Having a strict routine and a positive mindset can get you to make abs within 3 to 6 months, with the right kind of routine.

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • Keep your fitness routine bulletproof, and never hesitate to push yourself to its lift. Lift weights crunches, and heavy workouts.
  • Optimize your protein intake and keep close tabs on your eating habits.
  • Set a goal for your meals, and strictly adheres to your benchmarks.

If Body Fat <20%, Then…

Being in the range, you do not need to shred lots of body fat as losing a few pounds for 1-3 months can make your hidden abs apparent, but you must be strict with your diet. 

Pro Tips to Get Abs

  • With this fat percentage, nutrition plays a key role in your goals, prepare your meal beforehand and take a portion-measured diet.
  • Increase your training sessions as this may quicken up the results.
  • Show perseverance in your workouts and focus on core strengthening exercises as these aid in toning up your abs.
  • Balance your circadian rhythm as this influences your body more than you can imagine. Control your stress hormones as well. 


Last but not the least about How Long Does It Take to Get Abs? The key to getting abs within a timeframe is influenced by having an appropriate diet, strict training sessions, and a clear mindset. Your genetic makeup and having excess body fat, such as love handles, saddlebags, and hip dips may require extra effort to get a leaner body. 

FAQs On How Long It Takes to Get Abs

Is it possible to get abs in 30 days?

Bringing change to your body may require a longer time than you have estimated, as it becomes visible after a lot of effort, so it’s not quite visible to get abs within 30 days.

What is the shortest time to get abs?

It is determined by the fat composition of your body, but the shortest time is estimated to be 3 months. 

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