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How Long Does Magnesium Citrate Stay in Your System, and what Happens?

Magnesium citrate is one of the most soluble forms of magnesium supplements. Although, it has shown to impart various functions in the human body but how long magnesium citrate stays in your system has become a concern because of its profound laxative effect.

In this article, we will look deeper into organs where magnesium citrate stays longer and why, which should be the dosage and the possible side effects.

How Long Does Magnesium Citrate Stay in Your System?

Magnesium citrate at the time uptake is passed through the bloodstream, and various other organs to be excreted out finally through urine. Hair follicles may also be used to detect magnesium status within the body.

Magnesium Citrate Within the Bloodstream

Magnesium citrate is one of the widely absorbed magnesium supplements and is involved in carrying out several enzymatic reactions inside the human body.

When magnesium citrate is absorbed immediately by the intestine then it travels towards the bloodstream and is absorbed by the high blood levels within two hours approximately.  

How long magnesium citrate stay within the system (in the case of blood) is influenced by the amount of dose, the form whether it was a pill or a dietary source, and the individual’s metabolic pathway.

Upon reaching blood peak levels, the body will start to excrete it through the kidney after filtration and finally via urine. The time required for half of the dose to be eliminated from the body is expected to be 20 to 40 hours, but it still varies.

Magnesium is a highly significant mineral and can’t be stored for a prolonged time, excess amounts will be eliminated by the body’s mechanism so you must incorporate magnesium-based food into your routine and regularly take supplements as per your dietitian’s recommendation.

Magnesium Citrate Within Human Hair

When magnesium citrate is ingested, it enters the bloodstream and then passed through all body parts and reaches hair follicles. Your hair utilizes magnesium during growth which measures magnesium status inside the body.

Magnesium is considered to be an important mineral for hair growth and can be widely used to detect magnesium levels in the body by the magnesium in hair.

So, the real question is how long magnesium citrate stays inside the body system i.e.., hair follicles can be affected by the amount of magnesium ingested, whether it was taken through diet or by a pill, or how long it is retained within the body and hair growth.

Detecting the time of magnesium citrate within the body through hair growth takes a long time to start showing better results as hair grows slowly, so any changes in magnesium supplements for a short period may not affect the magnesium status.

Magnesium Citrate Stays Within the Urine

Magnesium citrate at the uptake of absorption in the blood is filtered out through the kidneys and eliminated via the urine. Magnesium citrate stays in the urinary system is influenced by factors such as the amount of dose, whether it was a pill or a dietary source, the metabolic pathway, and the hydration level of the human body.

The hydration level of the body affects the stay of magnesium citrate within the body if the hydration level is normal, magnesium citrate is excreted via urine quite quickly, but if the hydration level is lowest, it will stay longer within the body.

Once magnesium citrate is observed in the urine after a few hours of uptake, it will be shown at a peak level after one or two days. Magnesium is a highly effective mineral to carry out the body’s reaction so it must be strictly incorporated into daily diet either by food sources or by supplements.  

Metabolism also greatly influences its absorption inside the body, if it is slowly metabolized then magnesium citrate will be detected in the urine for a longer time.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of Magnesium Citrate

The dosage for magnesium citrate can be different as per age, gender, and your dietitian’s prescription. Generally recommended daily allowance (RDA) are suggested as:

  • Adult males: 400-420 mg/day
  • Adult females: 310-320 mg/day
  • Pregnant women: 350-400mg/day
  • Lactating women: 310-360mg/day

Factors affecting How Long Magnesium Citrate Stay in Your System?

Some factors greatly influence magnesium absorption and dysregulation inside the body, including:

  1. Diet: Diet is one of the main reasons for any supplement’s efficacy and absorption rate in the body. If a person already consuming food rich in carbs and protein, magnesium supplements will effectively show action and easily solubilize inside the body.
  2. Magnesium Deficiency: if a person is already magnesium deficient, then he will require magnesium in the form of supplements and dietary sources, but if he’s not deficient, then the needs will be fulfilled by a magnesium-rich diet alone.
  3. Kidney regulation: if the kidneys are functioning properly, then they will be properly filtered out by kidneys and excreted out normally but if it’s not working properly, then they will be unable to retain magnesium inside the body. So, kidney health is one of the leading causes to know how long magnesium citrate stays inside the system.

How to Incorporate Magnesium Supplements Into Your Routine?

Magnesium supplements can be incorporated into your daily routine by having a consultation with your dietitian who will suggest you as per your body’s requirements.  

How Long Does Magnesium Citrate Stay in Your System, and what Happens?

While selecting magnesium supplements, you must be well aware of it which one causes greater side effects. Magnesium citrate out of these proves to be an excellent choice due to its lesser side effects and easiness on the gastrointestinal system.  

When is the Optimal Time to Take Magnesium Supplements?

These days people have become concerned about the time when they can take particular supplements to have the best results. Dietitians usually won’t recommend a specific time to engulf any supplements.

The priority should be selecting a time that is flexible for you and works better for you. Some people prefer taking magnesium supplements at night to regulate their sleeping time, which may be true but no scientific research backs this claim.

However, dietitians may suggest to you which one goes along with food well and which one goes alone. Magnesium supplements show better results on an empty stomach.

Side Effects of Magnesium Supplements

The main side effects occurring inside the body may be due to related diseases already a person is suffering from. Suppose a person is already a patient with diabetes, cardiac disorders, kidney diseases, and gastrointestinal issues he will be at higher risk of getting side effects regardless of magnesium form and type.

As these underlying diseases influence the way magnesium supplements will be absorbed, retained, and excreted out of the system.

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How long does magnesium citrate stay in your system?

Magnesium citrate stays for approximately 12-24 hours but still, it depends upon a person’s own body whether it will retain it or excrete it  

Dies magnesium citrate clean your body?

If it’s taken orally by mixing with a liquid it cleanses out the body by inducing watery diarrhea and this form of supplements will not absorb in the bloodstream.

What are the typical side effects of magnesium citrate?

Irregular bowel movements and stomach cramps are the most probable side effects.

For more information, visit drugscorner.com

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