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How To Make Your Period End Faster?

How To Make Your Period End Faster?

Worried periods may ruin your big day and how to make your period end faster? We have a whole DIY guide to help you through!

Ever think about how to make your period end faster? Well, if you get the most painful periods then you must have. As most of the women are hesitant to take painkillers, so resorting to anecdotal remedies is common among them. Your period may come at the most unexpected time if you have an irregular cycle, so adopting ways that can end the period faster as stopping it altogether is not even possible. 

Here are some ways by which you can enjoy your significant days and vacations without the hassle of periods by ending them sooner, which will otherwise be quite inconvenient.  

How To Make Your Period End Faster Naturally?

How To Make Your Period End Faster Naturally?

The average period cycle is 2-7 days, but it varies from woman to woman. The cycle is highly influenced by several factors such as stress, nutritional deficiencies, genetics, or any other underlying medical condition. Although there is no science-backed fact that can make your period span shorter, as your body prepares you for menstruation of its own accord, you can try to make it shorter. 

Menstruation occurs after the ovulation phase where the two hormones (i.e., progesterone, estrogen) level is significantly decreased and your body is stimulated to shed the endometrium layer (i.e., the inner lining of the uterus) through the vagina along with blood. 

The length and flow of blood during menstruation are greatly dependent upon the thickness of the endometrium layer, which thickens the entire month to prepare the body for embryo implantation, if pregnancy does not occur, it will automatically shed down due to the body’s natural mechanism. 

However, you can end your periods faster, if you try to thin the thickness of the endometrium lining and increase the speed at which blood flows out of the body, but that is not easy to do for everyone. 

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General Ways to Make Your Periods End Faster

The period cycle is regulated by your body mass, lifestyle, and nutrition. But you can take these measures to shorten your cycle.

  1. Consume Healthy Diet

Eating a healthier diet helps in reducing uncomfortable premenstrual symptoms and the intensity and timespan of the blood flow out of the body. A healthy diet in this scenario entails food rich in zinc, magnesium, and pyridoxine (i.e., Vitamin B6). 

  • Zinc works effectively in reducing period cramps, bloating, and depression that come because of premenstrual syndrome. Zinc-rich diet includes dark chocolate, whole-grain cereals, nuts, lentils, and avocados. 
  • Magnesium works wonders in shortening the menstruation cycle and alleviates painful symptoms. Magnesium-rich diet includes nuts, beans, dark chocolate, tofu, and seafood (i.e., mackerel, salmon).
  • Pyridoxine is claimed by research to reduce painful period symptoms and duration of periods in many women. A diet rich in pyridoxine involves eggs, bananas, sweet potatoes, legumes, seafood, and whole-grain cereals.  
  1. Weight Management
Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is necessary to properly regulate your periods. Your period is highly affected when either you gain weight or lose drastically. 

Women having a healthy weight and normal BMI (i.e., body mass index calculated by dividing height by weight) have normal and steady menstruation cycles.

Women having higher body weight face severe premenstrual symptoms and a relatively long and painful cycle. While underweight women usually have irregular cycles, which is again an inconvenience.

  1. Drink Enough Water

How to make your periods end faster by being hydrated? Drinking enough water may be great, but drinking more than usual intake has shown promising results in decreasing the duration of menstruation in women. Drinking water also helps in decreasing the intensity of painful period symptoms.

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  1. Do Regular Exercise

If you plan to shorten your menstruation cycle, and simply to reduce period cramps pain, you must do regular exercise as it could be the best way to end your periods faster.

Doing regular physical exercise you can easily contract your uterine muscle and blood flow gets super heavy which tends to make the cycle shorter.

But it is not recommended that you overexert yourself as exercising more than your capacity makes you completely skip your period which is not a regular body response. 

  1. Have Intercourse
Have Intercourse

Having intercourse during periods stimulates contractions of uterus muscles which results in excessive flow of blood out of the body which may be a good approach towards shortening the menstruation cycle. Having orgasms through sexual contact can also work greatly in reducing period cramps and other painful symptoms. Although, it may get messy during periods, using a menstrual disc during the activity may prevent the mess. 

  1. Acupuncture 

How to make your periods end faster by acupuncturing your body? It may be more helpful than you realize as it targets specific pressure points and relieves tension and pain. 

But you may not do it yourself, you must consult with a professional acupuncturist who may help you in locating pressure points, and small size needles are poked into that area to relieve pain. It helps in reducing period pain and in shortening the period cycle. 

  1. Birth Control Pills

How to make your period end faster by taking birth control pills? You can reduce the duration of your cycle by taking specific kinds of birth control pills as different types have different impacts on the body. 

  • Continuous cycle pills are manufactured in this manner so that you can completely skip your periods as they will occur just once or maybe twice a year.
  • The other type of pill is combination pills, in which the female takes active pills in the three weeks of the cycle and in the fourth week when the period is supposed to happen, she gets on fake pills which work effectively in reducing the duration of the period. 

How To Keep Track of Your Period Duration and Flow?

You can keep a close track of your menstrual cycle and flow by using menstrual cups which have marks over them telling you how much blood is shedding out of your body and how frequently.

Using tampons and sanitary pads is not viable in this case as blood is completely absorbed in them and it is difficult to pinpoint a certain point.

Is There Any Drawback to Ending Period Faster?

Is There Any Drawback to Ending Period Faster?

No significant drawbacks have been associated with ending the menstruation cycle faster as the DIY hacks are relatively safe. 

But if your bleeding is heavier than usual and is more prolonged than normal then you must consult with a gynecologist as it may be a symptom of some hindered medical condition. 


Having a period every month can be a hassle for some women as it badly messes with their plans. The bleeding comes along with many painful bodily symptoms which can sour a woman’s mood. So, resorting to methods that can help them in reducing the duration and flow of the period is quite common. There are many dietary, herbal, and workout options available to alleviate premenstrual symptoms and shorten the menstrual cycle. 

FAQs on How to Make Your Period End Faster

What home remedy can I use to stop heavy periods?

It’s possible if you consume food rich in vitamin C, iron, and magnesium. However, regular physical exercise and using heat pads may come in handy.

Can Lemon stop heavy periods?

Well, that is a myth Lemon has no role in shortening your periods. 

What is the fastest way to end your period?

Getting an orgasm may be the fastest way to stop your period as it vigorously utilizes uterine muscles and blood can quickly come out of the uterus. 

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