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Why Magnesium Glycinate is Good for You?

Magnesium glycinate is the most bioavailable form of magnesium which proves to be the essential nutrient for overall well-being. Our bone system greatly relies on and it plays its part in human growth hormones.

In this article, we will delve deeper into magnesium glycinate, its significance in the human body its RDA, and precautionary measures while buying it.

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is a combination of the organic salt ‘magnesium’ and the amino acid ‘glycine’. Magnesium has been utilized in various forms, such as magnesium citrate, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium chloride, and magnesium sulfate to prevent indigestion, constipation, skin diseases, and other magnesium deficiencies, respectively.

Glycine, on the other hand, is an important yet often overlooked amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter, regulates bile formation, and carries out collagen formation. Its deficiency could consequently cause growth impairment and neurological disorders.

Significance of Magnesium Glycinate

There is a great number of the population who is magnesium deficient. You can rectify it by using a magnesium-rich diet or by using supplements which seems to be a wise option as the supplements are 100% bioavailable.  

Our 60% of the bone system relies on sufficient magnesium for proper functioning while 1% of magnesium is found in blood and body tissues.

Magnesium is important for providing energy to the body and regulating the parathyroid gland which produced hormones for better functioning of bones.

Sources of Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium can be sourced from food such as nuts, spinach (leafy green vegetables), whole wheat bread, avocado, tofu, legumes, fish, and dark chocolate.

The major sources of glycine include lean meat i.e., chicken and turkey, red meat, and quinoa.

Magnesium Glycinate’s Dosage and RDA

The dosage of magnesium glycinate varies as per the body needs of individuals. You should keep close track of the amount of magnesium pills you take every day as the amount greater than the requirements may cause drowsiness.

You must consult with a certified dietitian to have better guidance. You should take those that contain an adequate amount of magnesium and glycine per capsule to suffice for deficiency as it will be less costly rather than taking too many capsules at once.

Why Magnesium glycinate is good for you?

The amount of magnesium depends on the form in which it is present whether it’s a pill or a food source. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) suggested for adult women is 270-320 mg per day while for men it’s 300-420 mg per day.

Functions of magnesium glycinate

Counterbalance Calcium, Vitamin K & D

Magnesium is of great importance due to its close interaction with other nutrients I.e., vitamin K, vitamin D, and Calcium. It helps to balance magnesium stored in the body when calcium accumulates and your body starts taking more vitamins and vitamin D.

The deficiency of such nutrients makes you prone to bone diseases as magnesium is significant in regulating parathyroid glands. Humans have become excessively vulnerable to cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s,  epilepsy, and migraine.

It may ultimately become me leading cause of stroke. Magnesium in the form of magnesium glycinate is 100% bioavailable.  

Regulates Sleep Pattern

Magnesium works wonders in regulating sleep patterns, relaxes muscles, and reduces cramps and spasms in leg muscles. Magnesium has significant benefits in reducing pain and anxiety to better regulate circadian rhythm.  

Magnesium optimal intake helps in increasing sleep time and increases melatonin and renin (hormones involved in sleep patterns).

Alleviates Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Magnesium is great in relaxing muscles and Controls inflammation and stimulation caused by neurons. Women suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome from acute cramps fatigue and worst headaches. Taking magnesium glycinate proves to be effective in preventing acute pain, cramps, and swelling.

In a study, magnesium glycinate in combination with pyridoxine greatly helps in relieving menstrual pain. The women who consume pills of magnesium and pyridoxine from the ending of one menstrual cycle till the next cycle daily experience great results.

Magnesium deficiency may be a leading cause of pre-menstrual syndrome by various researchers.

Controls Hypertension

Magnesium is highly useful to regulate normal blood pressure and preventing hypertension. It decreases the risk of diabetes, cardiac myopathy, and atherosclerosis.  

Magnesium has the property to reduce inflammation in the arteries. Magnesium glycinate is extremely useful to normalize heart rate by preventing excessive heart fluttering.

Prevents Neurological Disorder

Magnesium has a strong connection with neurological ailments such as stress, anxiety, and sleep. Magnesium glycinate help in alleviating symptoms such as tension, stress, or restlessness.  

Drawbacks of Magnesium Glycinate

 As many benefits of magnesium glycinate, you will still come across some liabilities such as diarrhea, allergies, dizziness, and breathing problems.

Taking these supplements along with meals may reduce adverse effects but if the negative effects persist then you must consult with a pharmacist and dietitian immediately.  

Diabetics, pregnant women, and patients suffering from liver disorders must be cautious before taking these supplements as it could be alarming for them.

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Points to Consider while Buying Magnesium Glycinate

  • While buying magnesium glycinate, you must look for the ingredient list to make sure it doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners or allergens such as wheat, gluten, soy, or dairy-based product.
  • You should look for a brand that is consumer testified and strictly follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
  • Serving size should be checked to keep track of your body requirements.  As 100mg of serving size may contain 20mg of individual magnesium amount.

Bottom Line

Magnesium glycinate is a form of magnesium which is highly absorbable and may impart important benefits to the body.

It may help in relieving PMS-induced symptoms, sharpens memory, and improves sleep by reducing stress and relaxing muscles. While buying, the brand, serving size, or ingredients must be closely checked.

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What is magnesium glycinate good for?

Magnesium glycinate helps in relieving stress, anxiety and helps a person sleep better. It also reduces the risk of diabetes.

Is Magnesium glycinate good to take every day?

Taking an adequate amount may not cause any issues, however, taking a larger amount may cause diarrhea or stomach problems.

Why does magnesium glycinate for sleep?

Magnesium glycinate helps in the better regulation of neurotransmitters and relieves stress for better sleep.

How long magnesium glycinate takes to work?

The supplement takes almost a week to start showing its results. Individuals with regular use for one week may feel improved sleep, reduced anxiety and stress.

For more information, visit drugscorner.com

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