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How To Navigate the Best Non-Hormonal Birth Control Method?

How To Navigate the Best Non-Hormonal Birth Control Method?

“Explore these convenient non-hormonal birth control means to have reliable pregnancy inhibition without the hassle of side effects and to empower your family planning decision!”

With increased awareness of selecting non-hormonal birth control methods to control pregnancy, people are inclined towards navigating the best choice with maximum effectiveness.

Let’s delve into our guide to find many contraceptive methods that can prove to be helpful in your intimate life. 

Non-Hormonal Birth Control

No hormonal birth control includes all those contraceptive means which does not intervene with the hormone-regulating reproductive system. These hormones are essential for normal sexual drive, a person’s behavior towards life and people. 

Couples nowadays are seeking ways by which pregnancy can be prevented without altering hormonal regulations. Non-hormonal birth control methods prevents ovulation, and does not influence cervical mucus production. 

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Key Differences Between Hormonal & Non-Hormonal Birth Control 

Non-Hormonal Birth Control | Drugscorner.com

The basic difference between both contraception is the composition. Hormonal birth control pills are made up of estrogen or progestin, while non hormonal birth control includes no hormones.

Another difference is that hormonal birth control methods is comparatively risky as it may cause cancers, cardiac disorders, blood clotting in lungs, and hepatic diseases while non hormonal birth control does not lead towards such risks. 

Non-Hormonal Birth Control Methods 

There are many contraceptive methods are available which are free of hormones, but their efficacy rate varies. Barrier methods also prevents transmission of STDs and HIV. Men and women should consult with their before opting for any barrier methods fir better consultation. 

Some birth control methods are effective in combination, such as make condoms reduces pregnancy rate and STDs occurrence, if birth control pills, or shots are used. Some common barrier methods include:

  1. Phexxi

Phexxi is a vaginal gel that is used in the vagina at least one hour prior the intercourse. It has been one of the widely searched and effective contraceptive methods which works perfectly for up to an hour.

The gel work by reducing the pH level of the female genitalia due to which sperms motility is reduced. You must thoroughly read the guidelines before this as its efficacy rate is 93% if you are using it correctly. 

Your partner may need to use condoms as well to control birth, however, it does not protect against STDs.

Possible Drawbacks of Phexxi

  • It may cause Urinary tract infection, inflammation of the vagina caused by bacteria, vaginal leakage, or burning or itching in the vagina. 
  1. Diaphragm
Diaphragm | Drugscorner.com

It is a silicon cup that is directly inserted into the vagina to barricade sperms. Diaphragm works perfectly if you use a spermicide as well. It reduces 96% the chances of pregnancy if you use this method perfectly. Although if you use the diaphragm in a typical manner, the chances of pregnancy may increase.

You must insert it into vagina before the intercourse, and must be kept inside even after 8 hours to prevent pregnancy. You can use it again and again for up to a year.

Possible Drawbacks of Diaphragm 

  • It is not effective in against protecting STDs. 
  • It may cause Urinary tract infections and vaginal itching. 
  1. Copper IUD

This contraceptive device is inserted into the uterus and is covered by copper which is not suitable for sperm and inhibits its motility by which it passes into eggs. 

These are considered promising non-hormonal birth control as they prevent pregnancy rate by 99%. You can insert it once and have unprotected sex for at least 5 years, and when you plan to have a family you can consult a gynecologist to take it out. 

Possible Drawbacks of Copper IUD 

  • It may cause discomfort and cramps during the monthly cycle of women.
  • It does not prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
  1. Male condom

A rubbery sheath is worn by males over the genitalia before intercourse to prevent the sperm to enter into uterus. They are effective in controlling pregnancy up to 82% and prevent STDs as well.

Condoms can be easily found in your local pharmacies and stores. You can also buy on any shopping site. However, you must read instructions carefully for the efficacy of this contraceptive. 

  1. Female condom

It is a latex tube that women insert inside the vagina with two rings, one side of the tube is closed so that semen does not swim inside to meet the fertilized egg in the womb. 

The pregnancy rate after using this method is very rare just like the occurrence of itching and rash. 

This is not recommended to young ladies who have high sexual drive as they will have to insert it each time with expertise. 

  1. Hysterectomy
Hysterectomy | Drugscorner.com

Hysterectomy is a procedure in which either the entire uterus is removed or parts of it are extracted. As the uterus is not there, so there is no risk of pregnancy so the efficacy rate is 100%. Meanwhile, in tubal ligation, only fallopian tubes are extracted. 

In both operations, recovery time is required, in tubal ligation approximately a few days to recover fully while in hysterectomy at least 2 months are required for optimum recovery. 

  1. Vasectomy

Vasectomy is the procedure in which vas deferens tubes are blocked or cut down to prevent the transfer of sperm to the penis. 

The procedure may seem disturbing or painful but in actuality it is not, it requires less recovery time and it does not affect the general sexual experience.  The results are promising with 99% birth control. 

  1. Sponge

This polyurethane foam works in the same manner as a diaphragm, but it is additionally wrapped with spermicide and you do not need any prescription from your gynecologist for purchasing it.

This non-hormonal birth control method is breathable as you must insert it once and you can have multiple rounds without it. 

Possible Drawbacks of Sponge

  • This method is not reliable to control pregnancy. The reliability could be ensured for women who use it properly and has not given birth before. 
  • This method does not prevent STDs.

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Alternate Approaches to Non-Hormonal Birth Control 

There are some alternate approaches to control birth which does not require long-term use and no tool or chemical, but may still prove useful for birth control, such as:

Pull Out Method

This is one of the most conventional methods widely adopted by couples for centuries for birth control. In this method, the man pulls his organ out of the vagina before ejaculation, so sperm dies not to transfer into the womb. 

This may sound easy, but easier said than done, it’s difficult to pull out, at its maximum effectiveness it is 96% effective otherwise, its efficacy rate is 78% which does not give promising results. 

Family Awareness Methods (FAMs)

Although the concept of family planning may seem promising it requires a lot of effort. The females may be asked to keep close tabs on their monthly cycles to prevent pregnancy as using non-hormonal birth control methods during ovulation will result in just a 12-24% failure rate. 

You can manage it by checking temperature and vaginal leakage every day. The results may be more fruitful if the combined methods are used. 

Why You Should Opt for Non-Hormonal Birth Control?

  • Non-hormonal birth control methods are effective as you won’t have to deal with numerous side effect which wreaks your hormones, behavior, and your overall body. 
  • Non-hormonal birth control methods may aggravate your risk of catching cardiovascular diseases.
  • By incorporating non-hormonal birth control, you won’t have to take medication daily and it does not influence the menstrual cycle.
  • These methods prevent migraine and hypertension.  

Drawbacks of Non-Hormonal Birth Control 

  • Despite non-hormonal birth control benefits it can still lead to some drawbacks which can cause severe consequences. 
  • The contraceptive means may cause allergic reactions, endometritis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Sponge use may cause toxic shock syndrome in the users.
  • The couple must consult with the gynecologist about their preferred birth control choice and the medication in case of side effects.


Considering the best Non-hormonal birth control method which aligns with your convenience and your sexual drive is important to control pregnancy. Many methods are available with great effectiveness. You must choose those means which control pregnancy along with STDs and HIV. 

Going through all the guidelines and instructions before purchase may prove to be helpful to select appropriate non-hormonal birth control and consulting with your gynecologist may also prove to be promising. 

FAQs on Non-Hormonal Birth Control 

Are non-hormonal birth control pills better? 

Yes, they are better than hormonal birth control as they pose lesser drawbacks and are safe for people with underlying medical conditions.

Which birth control pill is healthiest? 

Pills containing levonorgestrel, as these pills cause few minor side effects.

What is safer than birth control? 

As no contraceptive method is flawless, but condoms proved to be the safer and more effective option.

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