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Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking Lemon Is As Beneficial As Eating An Apple Every Day 

Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking lemon is as beneficial as eating an apple every day. It’s a famous saying, “Eating an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Likewise, drinking lemon water daily could solve various problems in our lives. Not only it is beneficial for health, but it also refreshes and energizes us without adding calories. 

Lemon contains multiple minerals, a trace amount of vitamins, and flavonoids (antioxidants) which are beneficial for the skin, stomach, and body in multiple manners. Vitamin C is the major component of citrus fruits like lemon, orange, and grapes. 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps the body from harmful cells (free radicals). Free radicals are harmful substances that are produced as a by-product in reactions, particularly of metabolism (breakdown of food), tobacco smoke, X-rays, and ultraviolet radiations. Further, its intake also boosts the immune system, healing wounds, protecting cells from damage, and combating infections. 

Whereas, the second major component found in lemons is flavonoids. Flavonoids are extracted from plants that could defend the body from harmful disease-causing agents or oxidants. Flavonoids are also vital for preventing malignant diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. 

Lemon Water and its Benefits 

Studies show that most of the people who love drinking lemon water drink it in the morning. Lemon water isn’t a superficial recipe, it can have various additions to it. Mint lemon water, cucumber lemon water, turmeric lemonade, honey lemonade, and salted lemon water are some of the famous recipes. 

In the mornings, drinking lemonade could accelerate metabolism, boost energy levels, and fat constriction, clearing skin and toxins. Moreover, one feels fresh after drinking it as it’s a healthy drink. Hence, Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking lemon is as beneficial as eating an apple every day.

Various restaurants and canteens gave also added it as refreshment to their menu. It’s all due to its popularity among youth and its positive characteristics. 

Related: Best Alternatives of Acidic Foods In Summers, Liquid, Fruits and Vegetables

Nutrition Value of Lemon Water 

Lemon has about 21% of vitamin C daily nutrition value (DV). The citrus fruit also contains a trace amount of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, sugar, vitamin B, folate, potassium, and antioxidants. Hence, lemon is a package of various vital necessities for an ordinary person. 

United States Department of Agriculture cited that lemon water comprising a 48-gram lemon has nutritional value; 

  • 49.4 mg of potassium
  • 1 percent DV of potassium
  • 10.6 calories
  • 18.6 milligrams (mg) of Vitamin C
  • 21 percent of vitamin C DV
  • 9.6 micrograms (mcg ) of folate
  • 2 percent DV of folate
  • 0.01 mg of vitamin B-1
  • 1 percent DV of vitamin B-1
  • 0.01 mg of vitamin B-2
  • 1 percent DV of vitamin B-2
  • 0.06 mg of vitamin B-3
  • 1 percent DV of vitamin B-3

The nutritional value of one class of water highly depends upon the ingredients and their quantity utilized in the drink. More amount of ingredients means more nutrients and less amount of ingredients indicates a low level of nutrients in the juice. 

The lemon beverage is also best for beauty-conscious, health-attentive, fitness, and workout enthusiasts. Such people prefer low-calorie and high-health beverages and thus go for protein bodies or lemonade to keep their bodies fit. Hence,  Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking lemon is as beneficial as eating an apple every day.

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking lemon is as beneficial as eating an apple every day. This statement will be proved by the lemon’s benefits for our health and our bodies that are discussed below;

Best Source of Vitamin C and Skin Exfoliation 

As already mentioned above that an average lemon contains 21 DV of vitamin C in it which could be used in the body for several purposes. One primary function of vitamin C is the synthesis of collagen and the production of hormones in our bodies. 

Collagen is a protein in our body that provides support, strength, and structure throughout our body. Collagen helps in the formation of new cells and keeps the skin lively by replacing dead skin cells. 

Consuming a substantial amount of this vitamin daily could promote hydration of the skin and keep the skin glossy and bright. Many beauty products (face washes, serums, beauty oils, creams, and lotions) use this vitamin while projecting for clean and clear skin without scars, pores, and blemishes (a natural beauty look). 

Further, it also facilitates exceeding protection against insomnia, weak teeth, dryness of the mouth, dry skin, and infections. 

Antioxidants and Flavonoids 

Lemon incorporates vitamin C in it, which is the best source of flavonoids. Flavonoids are anti-inflammatory. They also protect cells from stress and other damage (like oxidation, free radicals). 

Researchers indicate that inflammation is interlinked with prolonged oxidative stress. Moreover, flavonoids combat unpredictable diseases caused by inflammation like diabetes, arthritis, cancer, obesity, and autoimmune ailments. 

In 2019, a report was published that indicated a review of antioxidants and flavonoids. According to the reviewer, these components in citrus fruit can stimulate health conditions like fat metabolism, insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, heart diseases, and toxins removal. 

Another huge use of defining lemon juices is that it helps in absorbing iron from the food which could be beneficial for body growth, stamina consumption, and preventing goiter or other iron deficiency diseases. Hence, Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking lemon is as beneficial as eating an apple every day.

Removal of Kidney Stones

Drinking lemonade is better for the removal of kidney stones. Citric juice is a practical way of dealing with kidney stones and this method could be used as an alternative to kidney therapy. 

Kidney stones are small pieces of minerals condensed together, particularly oxalates (calcium oxalates). These types of stones have no outlet for excretion or removal. Kidney stones could be removed if their size is small. However, stones in the gallbladder or pancreas are removed through surgeries occasionally. 

To remove oxalates from the kidney, chemicals containing citrates are used. Citrate is found in lemon and hence, lemon could be used as a medication for the removal of kidney stones. If lemon intake is high (citrate percentage is increased) in the body, it presents calcium from the accumulation and forms kidney stones. 

In 2015, study results proved that citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, and lemons are beneficial for kidney treatment. Using them causes excess oxalates or calcium to excrete through urine. 

Weight Loss

Pectin is a plant-generated fiber that assists in reducing appetite and conserving calories. The starch compound is found in lemon. Hence, pectin in lemon water helps maintain appetite and weight. 

1 glass of lemon juice containing one lemon has less than 1 gram of pectin. If more lemons are added, the quantity of pectin will also increase. As a result, it would be beneficial for burning calories. 

This method for weight loss is just a presumption as no substantial scientific evidence exists to support this claim. Yet, drinking lemonade as an alternative to carbonated drinks or coffee is better for health. 

Lemonade for Focusing,  Detoxification, and Diuretic 

It’s a mythical statement due to a lack of experimental evidence that lemon is best for boosting brain activity and maintaining concentration. 

Likewise, it’s famous that lemon water could be used for detoxification — improved bowel function, eliminating wastes, and urine regulation. Additionally, it contains potassium which can assist in preventing urinary diseases. But due to lack of scientific backing, it’s just a myth till now. 

For Hydration in Summers 

Scorching summer drains the energy of people living in hot regions. Having lemonade accompanying you could keep your water intake level up and percent dehydration. Further, drinking lemonade in the summer could deter conditions like mood swings, overheating, constipation, brain fog, and mineral deprivation. 

For Cancer Treatment

Cancer is treated with an alkaline solution. Lemon water could also be rendered as an alkaline solution. Henceforth, many people claim that lemon water could be used as an alternative to cancer treatment, or to enhance one’s curing ability for cancer. 


Lemon water retains various benefits for the human body and also protects against various medical conditions like kidney stones, hormonal imbalance, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer and cardiovascular diseases. Scientists are looking forward to discovering more advantages of drinking lemon water.   

Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking lemon is as beneficial as eating an apple every day. What are your thoughts about drinking lemon water and its benefits, comment below!

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