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10 Unconventional Vegan & Non-Vegan Substitutes for Honey

10 Unconventional Vegan & Non-Vegan Substitutes for Honey

“Look up our guide to find the substitutes for honey, from agave nectar, monk fruit to stevia. Satiate your cravings while discovering these phenomenal vegan and non-vegan options.”

There are a plethora of substitutes for honey available in the market, which can effectively replace honey in beverages and baked items, and efficaciously mimic the sweetness level of honey. 

In this article, there is a list of alternatives available which you can choose instead of honey. And why there is a need to do that. 

Why Should You Opt for Substitutes for Honey?


10 Unconventional Vegan & Non-Vegan Substitutes for Honey

The need to seek substitutes for honey occurs due to numerous valid reasons. 

  • Pure honey is costly and is not easily accessible, and store-bought honey jars are usually extremely adulterated and contain many preservatives which disvalue the benefits of honey. Having suitable DIY substitutes, in this case, may be a great approach.
  • Although, there are no allergies detected by honey yet, is better safe than sorry as dietary allergies are quite common these days.
  • Diabetics are restricted to use honey, as it contains a concentrated amount of sugar. 
  • Some people avoid consuming honey due to ethical reasons, such as vegans who avoid honey and honey-derived products. These people then choose substitutes for honey to fulfill their requirements. 
  • There is a common research claim that infants are at risk of developing botulism by the presence of Clostridium botulinum, which the infants are not resistant to unlike adults. 

Also Read: Best Alternatives of Acidic Foods

10 Substitutes for Honey 

  1. Brown sugar

Brown sugar is a common substitute for honey because of its increased molasses content which left room for little refining. It contains both white sugar and molasses. 

It is darker in color and less refined. The flavor is intense, and you will require less amount to use in your recipes. 

It may be slightly nutritious, but still consuming sweeteners may result in diabetes mellites, weight gain, and cardiovascular diseases.

Substitute Quantity: It should be used in equal measures to honey. 

  1. Molasses
Molasses, alternative of honey | Drugscorner

Molasses is the byproduct that comes out when sugar cane is being refined, it is a healthier substitute for honey as its antioxidant-rich sweetener. This sweet, slightly charred product may prove to be a great alternative to your recipes.

Molasses may contain essential minerals, but if the consumption exceeds the recommended intake, it may cause tooth cavities. 

Substitute Quantity: The quantity of this alternative must be equal to honey. 

  1. Date paste

Date paste can be made by boiling dates until starts to simmer, then blending it and making a smooth paste. This creamy paste can give a great taste to your recipes as the flavor may have cinnamon and toffee tones which you can overindulge on. 

This blend contains more flavonoids and antioxidants than honey, but the increased carb content due to fructose may spike your glucose intake. 

Substitute Quantity: For half a cup of honey, alternate it with 2/3 cup of date paste. 

  1. Yacon Syrup

It is one of the most natural, vegan choices for those looking for substitutes for honey. It is procured from the yacon fruit that originated from Peru and provides great benefits.

This alternative can match honey’s consistency, the sweetness level is also controlled. It is widely used along with pieces of bread.

Substitute Quantity: In baking, it is used in a similar quantity as honey.  

  1. Vegan Honey

If you are into a stringent vegan diet, buying synthetic honey which is vegan may be your best shot as it is made up of natural ingredients, such as sugar cane/sugar beet and lemon. 

This plant-based vegan honey is easily accessible in your local marts and supermarkets. You must carefully read the label in case of any allergen. 

Substitute Quantity: It is used in a similar ratio to that of natural honey. 

  1. Monk Fruit
Monk Fruit | Drugscorner.com

Monk fruit is another vegan substitute for honey. The taste may be like artificial sweetener, stevia but has no aftertaste. Because of the organic nature of monk fruit, it is relatively costly. 

You must thoroughly read instructions before usage as it is added in small amounts because of its sweetness level. 

Substitute Quantity: It must be used in a very minute quantity as the replacement of honey. 

  1. Stevia

Stevia is extracted from the stevia plant after filtration of leaves in both powdered and liquid form. To match honey’s consistency liquid stevia may prove to be a more viable option. 

Stevia is readily available in the market, and a very minute quantity is used to balance sweetness, but powdered stevia may worsen your digestive health more than you realize. 

Substitute Quantity: If you are replacing ¼ cup of honey, then 1/3 teaspoon of powdered stevia or maybe less than that. 

  1.  Agave Syrup

Agave nectar, which is sourced from the agave plant, has a rich, caramel flavor. This alternative is great to use as it does not spike glucose levels more than other sweeteners. While buying agave syrup, thoroughly read labels and ingredient profiles as a cheaper version may be more disadvantageous than you can imagine. So be aware!

Substitute Quantity: It is replaced in a similar ratio to honey. 

  1. Barley Malt Syrup

This is another vegan substitute for honey containing dietary fiber, macromolecules i.e., proteins. It is widely used as a replacement in beverages, such as coffee, tea, and other alcoholic beverages. It matches greatly honey in taste, consistency, and sweetness. 

Substitute Quantity: It is used in a similar quantity to honey. 

  1. Greek Yogurt

Surprisingly, a great substitute for honey as its power-packed with protein and contains fewer calories. The sweetness may not compete with honey, contains many other befits to give it a shot. 

Substitute Quantity: Due to the sour taste, add ½ cup of Greek yogurt for 1 whole cup of honey. 

Read: Rajkotupdates.News : Drinking Lemon Is As Beneficial As Eating An Apple Every Day 

Demerits of Using Substitutes for Honey

Honey possesses many natural benefits which are hard to ignore and can hardly be met by its substitutes.

  • Honey prevents hypertension (i.e., Spike in blood pressure)
  • Honey helps in controlling cholesterol levels, which can otherwise become a leading cause of cardiovascular diseases and other ailments. 
  • Honey may contain a high-calorie count, but less quantity can suffice the sweetness requirement of the recipe, unlike other sweeteners. 

Merits of Using Substitutes for Honey

  • In some cases, using substitutes for honey like brown sugar may prove to be advantageous. 
  • Brown sugar helps in quickening metabolic rate. 
  • If brown sugar and ginger are brewed together, its concoction can alleviate period cramps.
  • Brown sugar, a source of sucrose which can give a burst of energy to the human body.
  • Brown sugar may be a great source of micro molecules, such as minerals.
  • It helps in rejuvenating skin. 


Honey is a great sweetener, but due to some ethical and dietary restrictions, there is a need to find appropriate substitutes for honey which can be good replacements regarding consistency, sweetness, and flavor. Many alternatives may be more nutritionally beneficial than honey. 

FAQS on Substitutes for Honey

Does honey expire?

Honey does not usually expire under normal conditions, but if there is fluctuation in temperature it may crystallize and lose its natural flavor.

Which fruit tastes like honey?

Persimmons have the closest taste profile to honey, and their jam-like consistency may be another advantage.

Replacing honey with sugar in a recipe?

You could use ½ cup of honey if the recipe required 1 cup of sugar, because of the increased sweetness level of honey. 

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