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What are Blues Drugs & How are they Prevailing at an Alarming Rate?

What are blues drugs? These are the oxycodone drugs, which the drug dealers exploit by putting fentanyl in the ingredients and illegally selling them on the streets of the United States. Its long-term use adversely affects the physiological, mental, and social life of drug users.

What are Blues Drugs?

The blues drugs, often named as Roxicodone are stamped with ‘M’ and ‘30’ on alternate sides. The blues drugs are known as illegal due to the presence of fentanyl (i.e., man-made opioid drug) which is illegally produced. The drug is 50 to 100 times more potent than more pills.

The use of fentanyl in blues drugs makes a person high and relaxes the muscles. Drug abuse is widespread and illegally sold. Drug dealers abuse the use drugs by selling them as oxycodone which is usually prescribed drugs considered less potent than drugs. But in reality, it’s deadlier and cheap.

Blues drugs used to be manufactured in China, India, and, Mexico in the past era, but now as the demand for these drugs has increased due to the o growing addiction for citizens.

Law policies have been established to ban opioid drug use, but blue drugs are still available in pharmacies.

What are the Ingredients used in Blues Drugs?

Blues drugs are the most powerful painkillers greatly being abused due to the illegal use of fentanyl in its composition.

It may be prescribed as oxycodone or Roxy drug but it contains a huge amount of fentanyl which has a life-threatening impact on the human body.

The drug is mainly composed of these compounds:

  • Fentanyl
  • Mineral magnetite
  • Yellow iron oxide
  • Ferric oxide
  • Polysorbate 80

Why are Blues Drugs Illegal?

Blues drugs are considered illegal in many countries due to adverse effects on the economy and society. 

People who take and possess these drugs have to bear severe outcomes because it proves to cause Medicinal abuse and they have to face penalties and pay fines to have to face jail sentences.

What are Blues Drugs

People also face negative effects in their personal life, they get distant from people, face difficulty in concentrating on work, and their financial crises increased.

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What are the Physiological Side Effects of Blues Drugs?

Blue drugs or Roxicodone abuse adversely affect the physiological health of a greater number of the population, it alters the psychological system without a person’s notice and is extremely dangerous. The effects may include:

  • Impact on the Cardiac System: Hypotension (Low blood pressure) and heart rate is significantly reduced by taking these drugs.
  • Impact on the Digestive System: Food is slowly metabolized causing constipation.  Patients may experience excessive vomiting and constant nausea from the drug abuse. The victims feel stomach issues and difficulty swallowing food.
  • Impact on the Nervous System: The drug manipulates the pain sites but doesn’t remove the reason for pain. A person’s cough reflex is reduced and heart rate is slowed down. The patient starts to experience seizures and hallucination scenarios. Reduced Sexual drive is reported due to the use of it. As these drugs act as sedatives, the person starts to feel mentally confused and get high right after this drug abuse. In extreme cases, the patients may get into a coma.

What are the Mental Side Effects of Blues Drugs?

If the drug abuse remains persistent for a longer time, it becomes life-threatening and poses serious side effects to the mental health of drug users, the side effects may include:

  • When a person starts to take a supplement or drug for a longer period, he becomes dependent on it. The person’s body starts to require it for normal functioning. It’s a general response by the body, a person doesn’t necessarily have to be undergone through drug abuse.
  • When a person starts to take a prescribed amount of a drug, with the onstage of time, the pain receptors may become resistant and the body will start to demand a high amount resulting in an increased Tolerance level of the drug.
  • The most common side effect of drug use occurs is addiction, a person becomes addicted to something with its continuous use.

What are the Social Side Effects of Blues Drugs?

Drug abuse and addiction don’t affect just mental and psychological health but pose serious effects on a person’s social life.

  • Addiction to the drugs negatively affects relationships, patients start to neglect their partners and family and start prioritizing the consumption of these blue drugs.
  • Their productivity level at work decreases rapidly, as they find difficulty in concentrating on their tasks and perform poorly.
  • It causes financial instability due to increased body demand for drugs than the prescribed amount.
  • Addicts seek out drugs without a physician’s prescription, which is illegal. It puts a heavy strain on the legal status of a person as he will get loss of conscience and try to acquire drugs by all the illegal means possible.

What are Blues Drug Abuse Statistics?

The effects caused by using blues drugs are extremely shocking and the prevalence of this drug is more dangerous. The general stats concluded by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention showing the people who are died admitted to emergency units and are addicted is distressing.

  • From 1999 till 2014, 1 lac 45 thousand people died from drug overdose, now approximately 130 Americans died from drug overdose daily.
  • 100 patients are admitted to emergency units each day.
  • By recent stats, 10% of people get addicted to this drug.

What are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Blues Drugs?

The withdrawal from an addiction is as bad as addiction itself. A person keeps on using drugs to avoid negative symptoms. Most patients relate these symptoms with the worst flu but it’s not that and it’s not quite dangerous but is extremely uncomfortable. The withdrawal symptoms may be the following:

  • Muscle pains
  • Jerky movements in muscles
  • Sweating
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Fever

How Addiction to Blues Drug Abuse can be Treated?

Drug abuse brings a lot of negative factors in the addict’s life. Several treatment options are suggested to get rid of this addiction. The treatment approaches may individual or a group can be involved. There are different comprehensive strategies to treat drug abuse, such as:

  • Peer supports group
  • Psychotherapies
  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Medicinally assisted detoxification


Blue drugs also known as M30 or Roxicodone contain fentanyl and are widely popular on the streets as an illegal drug. Although it is an abused painkiller, it possesses negative characteristics which adversely affect physical and mental health. Its continuous use becomes life-threatening and withdrawal is equally bad.

Different treatment approaches have been suggested to support addicted people.

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FAQs on What are Blues drugs?

Is morphine stronger than oxycodone?

Oxycodone has no greater results than morphine, both are equally effective but oxycodone drugs are highly prescribed despite of it having many side effects.

What is the strongest painkiller?

The widely recognized powerful painkillers are opioids which relieve pain but continues use makes a person addicted to them.

For more information, visit drugscorner.com

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