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What Drugs Should not be Taken With Benzonatate?

What Drugs Should not be Taken with Benzonatate?

What Drugs Should not be Taken With Benzonatate? Some drugs are specified for a particular purpose, they should not be taken as usual.

To avoid the interactions of medications, you must be aware of that what drugs should not be taken with benzonatate.

Benzonatate is an anti-cough drug that works effectively but when taken along with food and drugs may cause serious problems, which can be treated by using over-the-counter medications or by consulting professionals.

In this article, we will look at what drugs should not be taken With Benzonatate. Furthermore, we will look into the drugs that cause interaction, their probable side effects, and approaches to treat them.

What Drugs Should Not Be Taken with Benzonatate?

Benzonatate: Benzonatate is a prescribed drug that is orally ingested to treat cough by numbing the throat and lungs by targeting their nerve endings. It is effective for coughs caused by colds, not by asthma and smoking.

  • You can take these drugs every 4-6 hours.
  •  The drug works quickly and relieves the user within 15-20 minutes. 

Several drugs, supplements, or even food should not be taken with benzonatate, as the interaction has a profound impact on the efficacy of the ingested medication. There are some drug pills which are elaborated here which mess up the effectiveness of the drug and eventually cause negative outcomes:


Antidepressants are clinically used to treat depression, anxiety, restlessness, etc. These are individually safe, but the interaction of a few antidepressants such as Fluoxetine and Sertraline with benzonatate (i.e., anti-cough drug) may cause serious problems, one of the notable ones is serotonin syndrome. The interaction of these drugs must be avoided but, if necessary, must be taken under extreme surveillance.


Antihistamines involve drugs that treat allergies and several kinds such as chlorpheniramine and diphenhydramine reduce the effectiveness of benzonatate by enhancing the sedative effect and causing respiratory depression. The interactions of these drugs with benzonatate could either be prevented or taken with close administration of healthcare professionals.


Sedatives work as relaxing the muscles, but if Sedatives such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines are taken along with benzonatate, it causes the risk of respiratory depression which could be extremely harmful if neglected. The interaction of these pills could either be avoided with benzonatate or taken under the critical administration of a healthcare professional.

Narcotic Medicinal drugs

These narcotic medicinal drugs are prescribed drugs used to treat acute pain. These medications, including morphine, oxycodone, and acetaminophen should either be avoided taken with benzonatate as it causes respiratory depression or as an option that could be taken under the administration of a healthcare professional.


Antipsychotics are used to treat psychotic conditions such as compulsive disorders, schizophrenia, etc. Antipsychotics such as olanzapine and ziprasidone negatively interact with benzonatate. The patients should either avoid taking these drugs or take them under the close administration of a healthcare professional. 

Monoamine oxidative inhibitors (MAOIs)

Monoamine oxidative inhibitors work in the same way as antidepressants but belong to a different category, these also treat nervous disorders such as anxiety, and depression.

What Drugs Should not be Taken With Benzonatate?

The medication includes tranylcypromine and phenelzine, which causes serotonin syndrome in interaction with benzonatate.  You can either avoid taking these drugs with benzonatate or take them under a professional’s administration.

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What Food (Besides Drugs) Should not be Taken with Benzonatate?

Naturally, no food is toxic and causes any negative impact on a healthy individual, however, a patient absorbs food differently and must consume food in moderate amounts, otherwise, it may olive to be harmful. Different food commodities which must be avoided include:

Fat-Enriched Food: The fatty food reduces the effect of benzonatate and decreases the absorption rate of this anti-cough drug. You can either avoid consuming foods rich in fat or avoid it completely.

Caffeine: Caffeine acts as a stimulant itself, if it is taken along with benzonatate, it inhibits the efficacy. You can either cut down its amount or avoids it completely.

Alcoholic Beverages: Alcoholic beverages, as we know relax the muscles and cause sedation, taking these along with benzonatate may increase the sedation and become a cause of respiratory disorders. It should either be avoided absolutely or you may drink in moderate amounts.

What are the Side Effects of Taking Drugs with Benzonatate?

Benzonatate and other drugs are effective if taken individually to target different pain sites. But with its effectiveness, it also brings some negative outcomes, including:

  • You start to feel numbness in your tongue, around the mouth, and on your face. This usually persists for a longer time and then gets away or may get worse.
  • Allergies occur while chewing drugs which leads to irregular breathing and swelling around the throat. Allergies due to interaction may also cause Itching and hives.
  • Taking benzonatate individually may also proves to be harmful to pregnant women, it may harm the fetus in the mother’s womb, as detected by researchers.
  • It may cause gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation. 
  • Headaches and dizziness are common side effects.

How to Manage Side Effects Caused by Interactions of Drugs with Benzonatate?

The interaction of drugs with benzonatate may cause many side effects which must be treated timely otherwise, may get worse. There are some suggestions that you can do to relieve the unpleasant outcomes:

  • In case of constipation, you can drink plenty of water and eat food rich in fiber to treat it.
  • If you get a severe headache, take ibuprofen to relieve the pain.
  • In case of hives and Itching, stop taking the medication immediately and consult with a professional.
  • In case of a congested nose, take any decongestants.
  • If you start to feel dizzy, be more careful while sitting in a lying position and avoid holding things that could harm you.

If the side effects persist, consult with your healthcare professional for clinical advice.

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Bottom Line

Benzonatate is an antinarcotic medicinal drug used to treat coughs caused due to cold, it should be avoided in case of asthma.

The problem is not the drug itself but the drug which could be taken along with it as they badly mess up the effectiveness and may cause negative consequences.

Patients must consult with the pharmacist or physician before taking any medication with benzonatate to avoid such effects.

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What to avoid when taking benzonatate?

You should avoid taking drugs that cause drowsiness, as benzonatate itself is an anesthetic drug so the interaction may cause an increased sedative effect.

Does Benzonatate increase blood pressure?

If benzonatate pills are swallowed whole it is safe, but when are chewed and sucked orally they may low blood pressure and irregular heart rate.

What drugs interact with benzonatate?

Many Drugs interact with benzonatate and worsen the condition such as antihistamines, antidepressants, drugs treating psychosis-related disorders, and sedatives.

Can you take benzonatate with azithromycin?

There is not any interaction that could be identified between these two drugs but still, consult with your healthcare provider.

For More Information, visit drugscorner.com

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