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What Vitamins Should I Take?

What vitamins should I take as vitamin requirement has increased tremendously by the eccentric diet trends? By seeing that vitamins have easily sneaked into our daily lives. Almost everyone is vitamin D deficient, mostly girls of reproductive age are seen as iron deficient.  

Vitamins intake has become necessary due to changing lifestyles and people have been drawn towards processed and junk diets that lack organic and balanced food concepts. In this article, we will look for essential vitamins which we can ingest as per our body requirements.

What Vitamins Should I Take Frequently?

Numerous people have been relying on vitamins and supplements these days due to insufficiency in their diet.

Some people are allergic or may have to dislike certain food group and avoids them so taking a supplement seems a valid option. While some are deficient in certain nutrients genetically so consume supplements to cover up for that.

Our vitamin needs vary from person to person or may intervene with our medicines if not properly consulted or prescribed.

Having a bit of frank advice from your dietitian by asking him, ‘What vitamin should I take?’ may be a great approach if you are on medication.  

What Vitamins Should I Take as Per My Suitability?

There is a variety of vitamins that provides benefits and suffice for bodily needs which remain unfulfilled due to insufficient nutrients in the regular diet. The essential vitamins may include:

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

There are many reasons you could have a deficiency of certain vitamins. It may be due to diet restrictions or medical issues.

Vegans are mostly deficient in vitamin B12 because they completely avoid consuming meat and meat-related products. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is essential for memory sharpening, and to prevent body numbness and tiredness.

Taking one pill of vitamin B12 regularly helps in providing energy, forming red blood cells, and supporting the nervous system.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D inadequacy is common among everyone, especially seniors. Around 10 million people suffer from vitamin D deficiency globally.

Vitamin D has a dual role in the n body as it acts aa s hormone as well as a vitamin. Nutritionists suggest getting 20 minutes of sun exposure daily may prevent vitamin D deficiency but weather and region may greatly influence your exposure ratio.

Vitamin D is specifically important for bone health as it strengthens bone, regulates the immune system, and improves cognitive health. Sufficient vitamin D may also prevent the risk of cardiac diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cancer.

Due to decreased sun exposure, your dietitian may suggest you start using the active form of vitamin D I.e., Vitamin d3 supplements which ensure its significant effect on your body.


Calcium can be majorly found in dairy products i.e., milk, yogurt, and cheese.  But many people don’t fancy consuming milk due to intolerance or personal disliking.

The latest health guidelines suggest adult women and men consume 1 gram of calcium daily.  However, seniors and children require a greater amount of calcium.

When you deviate from consuming milk, then you must fulfill your calcium needs either alternative options such as consuming fortified fruit juices, or plant-based milk I.e., soy milk and almond milk.

You can take a pill of calcium as well which ensures bioavailability as well but it must not intervene with your other bodily matters.


As people have become aware of the significance of gut health, the need to take proper care of it has grown greatly.

The microbiome is a gut environment where the good bacteria resid which majorly controls the immune system and has a profound effect on the nervous system, and overall health. Probiotics seem to be a great option for regulating gut health.

Probiotics are gut bacteria and fungi which 70% balance out the microbiome and regulate gut health. There are kinds of Probiotics that deal with respective concerns.

For example, Bacillus subtilis and Bifidobacterium lactis proved to be great for healthy glowing skin. Lactobacillus species provide an acidic environment for female private parts, by keeping them healthy.

Therefore, a person must consult with his dietitian before adding a probiotic supplement his to daily diet.


There is a possibility, you may be lacking multiple vitamins at once and you are in acute need of all those. In this situation, consuming multivitamins seems to be the key. Multivitamins may contain many vitamins and essentials mineral contains 100% bioavailability.  

The need to have multivitamins is mostly due to limited diet options, and unhealthy diets. Multivitamins help in improving overall body health by providing sufficient nutrients and filling the nutritional gaps which occur the ingredients found in Multivitamins are certified and Consumer tested. So, consuming those is a safer option.  

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Many people don’t include seafood in their daily or weekly diet and may have greater chances of lacking omega-3 fatty acids, which are greatly found in seafood and fish oils.

There are main three types of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, ALA, and DHA. AL, omega-3 fatty acid requirements can be fulfilled but EPA and DHA needs are mostly not met and can be sourced through fish and shellfish.

These are great for improving, skin, rejuvenating nerve cells, controlling cholesterol levels, promotes cardiac health.

Some people may be allergic to fish and dislike its stinky smell or may avoid eating fish due to its particular aftertaste. The supplements are free of it and its bioavailability is higher in supplements form.

What Time Should I Take Vitamins?

Taking vitamins at certain times may ensure their maximum bioavailability and prevent side effects.

However, science doesn’t back any claim regarding the timing of supplements but nutritionists suggest that ingesting vitamins as per schedule might be necessary to adjust it with regular meals.

What vitamins should I take?

The point is to be closely ensured that there should be no break in daily intake if you are dealing with a deficiency as may be problematic.  

The timings for the intake of the supplement are flexible, you can consume it anytime you want. However, some vitamins are better absorbed empty stomach.

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Bottom Line

The human body is quite complex, it has a way of absorbing and storing nutrients according to needs. Some vitamins are more bioavailable empty stomach while some must be ingested after the meal.

Vitamins can never be a replacement for food as it’s the bonus nutrients you are ingesting. Consuming a balanced diet may prevent the need for multivitamins but some may have a deficiency so vitamins may be a necessity.


What daily vitamins do I need to take?

Your daily vitamin intake must include vitamin D, folic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium which greatly involve in regulating overall health.

Should I take vitamins daily?

 Well, it depends on your diet and health. if you are deficient in any particular vitamin, then you must take it daily. But if you are consuming a varied diet then you can skip your multivitamins.  

What is the most important vitamin to take?

The vitamin which everyone seems to be deficient in is vitamin D, so taking a dose of vitamin either through diet or supplement is necessary.

What vitamins does everyone need?

13 essential vitamins must be supplied through diet. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins while there are 9 water-soluble vitamins belong s to B- complex group.

For more information, visit drugscorner.com

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