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When is Men’s mental health month started?

When is Men’s mental health month i.e., June comes, the awareness campaigns start to take place to break the notions that men are not emotional and they can’t face any mental health issues and blah blah.

In this article, it is emphasized to encourage men how they can seek help if they suffer from any mental health issue.

When is Men’s mental health month?

Men’s mental health month falls in June each year, and coincidentally Father’s Day is observed in the same month. The month is commemorated to aware people of the significance of mental and physical health. The purpose is to persuade people about an earlier diagnosis of mental illnesses i.e. depression and anxiety which becomes fatal afterward by becoming the leading cause of cardiac and other physiological diseases.

Men’s mental issues are undetected most of the time because of negative stereotypes regarding their emotional health. But in June we start campaigns to make people aware of their mental health to ensure their well-being.

Men’s mental health & its Challenges

It’s a common observation that women are prone to mental illnesses and men’s conditions are mostly overlooked in this regard. Men also suffer through certain illnesses which are prevailing in society and affecting men’s mental health. The conditions include,

1. Anxiety

As discussing on When is Men’s mental health month. The anxious men constantly worry about the situations going to happen in the future. They start to panic over little things and their nervousness knows no bounds. They start to become obsessed with things as well. The anxiety could become as severe as OCD (i.e., obsessive-compulsive disorder) where the person is compelled to do things again and again.

2. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

The disorder occurs due to a scary incident that happened in the past, either in childhood or at the age where the effects last for a lifetime. The symptoms of this disorder may be strong flashbacks where the person is affected for days. The PTSD patients are mostly insomniacs, they got raging anger and are depressed.

3. Depression

Depression has many types, where the person’s mood become gloomy and sad, but the commonly observed symptoms in men are Suicidal thoughts, they lose interest in their daily activities and the eating patterns us badly disturbed.

4. Stress

Men are most likely to get stress from their workplace or their careers. They are responsible to meet both ends of their family and their health worsens if they don’t take care of them properly.

5. Substance use illnesses

Recapitulating when is Men’s mental health month. Some men may suffer from illnesses caused by the use of drugs, alcohol, and other harmful substances. These substances negatively affect mental health like changing sleep patterns, energy levels abnormally lowered, and may feel effects in their physical health.

Every man has a different caliber of recovering, some may recover without any help but by their sheer will while some may face difficulty in getting back to their normal life so they are highly encouraged to seek help from a professional.

Related: How to improve mental health?

Men’s mental illnesses & the Signs/ symptoms

When is Men’s mental health month started, certain campaigns are initiated to make people aware about the signs which speaks about the health conditions of men, and which issues need to be rectified. The issues may be persistent use of drugs or alcohol, recklessness, mood swings, loss of interest, aggression and self harm thoughts.

Mental illnesses may vary in people as per gender, as women may tackle depression or anxiety differently than men. Men may try to vent out their anger or may start drinking to cope up.

It’s not possible to give a proper advise to heal mental illnesses without any professional help, so the affected people must have one-on-one interviews with the psychologist or any professional to have an insight to the issue the man is facing.

The mental issues must be Advocated by groups or committees and people should volunteer to give them full support to recover.

Why men are insecure to seek help?

The insecurity to be open up about mental health and its related issues originate from the way a person is nurtured. The society also has a powerful impact on the mental health of men. Undoubtedly, men get so many privileges while growing up, but certain shortcomings are disguised as expectations of them.

There are certain cultures where the talk about the mental health of men is strongly condemned and the people who face mental issues are deemed unfit to mingle with cool people and can’t align with their living activities.

Resultantly,  men try to conceal their sickness with a ruthless attitude and for the sake of not showing their vulnerability never recover from their stress. The situation is considered silent crisis by the mental health professionals and must be dealt appropriately. 

There are some misleading norms in society for the men to behave strong and adequate, which never let them behave they want to be. Consequently their mental illnesses worsen with the passage of time.

The next converging statement of when is Men’s mental health month is following. In the month of June which is supposed to celebrate men’s mental health month we as a society must create an environment where the male population is comfortable enough to share their mental bugs and seek proper help from mental health professionals. 

How to maintain positive men’s mental health environment?

The Men’s mental health month I.e., June gives an opportunity to plan all the initiatives which could be taken to provide a healthy environment where men speak up about their issues. The initiatives may be to connect affected people with a therapist or professional who could help them and break the barrier of social awkwardness between them. It could be to encourage them to speak about their issues and not be tight-lipped about their worsening health.

How to maintain positive men’s mental health environment? | Drugscorner

We can help them by asking them to take care of their diet, their sleep schedule and daily exercise which proves to be effective to maintain good health.

You can also volunteer in helping out during men’s mental health month by sharing your own experiences while going through mental illnesses, and volunteering in NGOs that are working on it in today’s digital era you can be helpful by sharing information on social media platforms where the things get viral like wildfire.


Nutshell of today’s topic when is Men’s mental health month? This month is a helpful approach to ware people about the importance of mental disorders and their fatal effects on men’s mental health. There are various factors that contribute to hinder the betterment if their health like societal pressures, certain misleading norms, but by the developing world people are getting insight about the importance of good mental health.

We can contribute to raise awareness by connecting with people who could help them encouraging them to change their lifestyle in a positive manner and creating an environment where they can speak freely about their issues.

FAQs on When is men’s mental health month

Which month is men’s mental health month?

June is the month which is observed as men’s mental health month When awareness campaigns are conducted to encourage the importance of men’s mental health.

When did men’s mental health month start?

Men’s mental health month started in June 1994, when the importance of their mental health is discussed.

Which day is men’s mental health month?

International men’s Day is observed on November 19th, where the problems faced by men are highlighted, and are advised to seek advice from professionals.

Which color is men’s mental health month?

The green ribbon symbolizes mental health awareness. People wear a green ribbon to show consolidation with men and their mental health.

Why is men’s mental health month important?

It’s important because of mental health issues becoming a leading cause for certain life-threatening diseases such as cardiac diseases, cancers, etc.

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